Cambridge market has a tiny second-hand clothes stall, which aims at the retro end of the market rather than the modern and cheap niche occupied by Cambridge's many charity shops. Among its stock are maybe three or four fur coats. I've made it into town quite often recently, and every time I've been past the market there has been a small group of protesters standing outside this stall carrying "fur coats are evil" signs covered in the dead animal porn beloved of animal rights protesters.
Just... why? This battle was won twenty years ago. You can't buy fur coats any more because even the fashion industry has realised that fur will get you nothing but bad press (or maybe because fake fur is cheaper, but the result is the same). They're not raising awareness - everyone knows that in this climate killing animals solely for their fur is cruel and unnecessary. And even if it were still a ongoing fight, what is there to be gained by picketing a tiny second-hand clothes seller over a handful of 70-year-old coats? What a complete waste of time and energy when there are so many wrongs in the world that genuinely need redressing. People, if you have the time and energy to go out and picket things, please put it to a better use.
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