01. How many people do you know in person from your friends list?
02. Who are they? How do you know them? When did you last meet or talk?
acchikocchi I talked to her on
araanaz9's AIM and friended her a whim, I don't talk to her often but she sounds really fun
alissa Through
araanaz9, we talked on AIM a few times
araanaz9 We met each other near a Mayan Temple in High school ;P I call her Ge
ashkt I kept reading her stuff and stalking her before telling her that and I friended her
bloodybrilliant I don't remember how I friended her, probably because of Ge or AIM
blufox_o7 She's this amazing Uchi fan and I adore her work so it felt stupid of me not friending her. She reviewed my first aweful JE fic and after a spammage of message I friended
corimari Met her in NY, I actually stayed at her place, she's awesome.
ilanabean42 Met her in Passadena and stayed at her place too that was last year
isuk18I liked one of her story and friended her.
iwritebadpornI love what she writes and after friending Blufox I decided to give it a go.
jitenshasanVero-chaaaaan!!! I met her when she worked with
araanaz9 joossyPosted a comment to her recently, she's from Montreal.
karinberry Met her last year in LA, and we travel to NY a few weeks ago, and we saw each other in Quebec
parsnipchip Again, not sure. My memory is really bad today but as a safe bet, probably Ge or AIM or maybe I did it
pastdazed I friended her because we were supposed to meet in NY, unfortunatly it didn't work out
pearljemzShe writes those awesome challenges and I decided to friend her so I would stop missing them.
pinkpapyrus Met her last year in NY, she couldn't understand when I asked questions about Subaru because I used a french intonation of his name!!
princesselynaPrincesse!!! Ge met her in France and we've been hanging out as a fellow September ever since they both were back from France.
robynxhahaI really want to talk to this person who friended me but I have no clue if we ever talked.
spuriousHow did we meet...maybe I friended her because of Alissa or Ge. Her mind is a place I want to live at.
tesshi_o8I met her in a Friending meme
trivialaffair I read one of her fic a little while ago and started to talk to her...haven't stopped yet :D
03. If you could meet ONE person from your friends list, who would it be and why?
Hmmm...I'd like to re-do last year's trip soon...meeting Cori and Kya in New York, Ilana and Karen in LA with Ge but I'd like to also stop in Chicago and meet with Triv along the way since we both like to spam and talk :D And maybe go to a Six Flags XD
04. Who is the 3rd and 5th person listed on your friends list? Who are they and why are they on your friends list?
Ge! She's my RL best friend, she's the Ryan to my Brendon. She introduce me to JE
Bloodybrillant, she flails a lot about everything and it's always fun to read her stuff. I mostly comment on her stuff and maybe I chatted with her on AIM (I feel that there is a reccurent theme here ;P)
05. Pick a song that reminds you of person #8.
Sayaendo from News because I remember her next to Kino looking at Pirate!Yasu while it was very hot. And Sayaendo has News as pirates.
06. How well do you know the last person listed on your friends list?
Triv...we talk really often and it's pretty cool.
07. List two people from your friends list that you talk to the most.
Ge, because we talk in RL and phone each other and also on AIM
Triv, because we kinda write once or twice a day
08. What do you have in common with the first person?
Snow? :D
09. Who blogs the most on your friends list?
Ilana. But Karen and Kya post often too.
10. Is there anyone on your friends list that you wish WEREN'T on your friends list?
Nope, just wish I could talk more to some.
11. Are you one of those people that do constant friends list cuts because people aren't COOL enough for you?
Err...I got 19 friends and I friended 21...so. No.
12. Have you ever been cut from someone's friends list? Were you angry?
I'm not sure...I'm pretty lousy with LJ. But I wasn't on Cori's friends' list and she put me on this year and it's cool because I can read what's up in her life.
13. Do you have a free or paid account? Did you pay for it?
14. Do you expect people to read and comment on ALL your entries?
No. I think most people don't even read my entries...maybe 4 or 5 read some of them.
15. Do you read all of your friends' journals?
I read pretty much everything, so pretty much yeah...unless I'm away from the computer. I'm really a stalker. XD
16. Share memories linked to someone that is dear to you: usernames begin with C, F, I, L, O, R, U, X.
corimari Shanghai's Joe. The women shouting in the subway last year. This year, chicken Mario!
ilanabean42 Being traumatized by "Another" then having to LEAVE!! Or the ramen shop.
Sorry, no one else have names that start with F,L,O,R,U,X (it almost spells Florida)
17. Is there someone you'd like to spend the rest of your life with?
Yes. I'm the type who makes long time friends.
18. Someone you aren't friends with anymore and miss.
No one. Well...not on LJ.
19. Who is the last person who added you?
20. What are the tags you used the most?
Characterization needs work.
24. Have you added back all the users who added you?
25. Do you use custom groups? If so, how many do you have?
Yup, I do I have a Ge filter :), a RL filter with 4 ppl on it.
26. How many interests have you listed? Are some of them listed by you only? If so, which?
9. I never really updated since I first wrote it.
27. Which are your favorite interests?
Japanese boys, Travel and japanese dramas.
28. How many communities have you joined? Do you check all of them?
15, I check most of them.
29. Your lj stats:
Account type: Free
Date created: 2007-06-19 12:29:17
Date updated: 2008-07-22 23:15:42, 1 hour ago
Journal entries:14
Comments:Posted: 286 - Received: 68
You see how active I am on LJ ;)