Because of Conventions...

Mar 27, 2011 01:11

I will write a little introduction for those who care/want to know ( Read more... )

je, master post of fics, fic

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pashoshi November 7 2010, 02:11:22 UTC
So...this is kind of awkward, but I don't actually know why we're not friends anymore... XD (If that's intentional, you can just ignore me, but I thought I should finally ask...)


ceathair November 7 2010, 03:17:53 UTC
Hey!!!! I posted a few message a while back regarding who wanted to stay on my flists back when I realised that barely anyone on my flist were actually my friends. Most people I friended were friends of Gen's or friends of people I met who never ever talked to me, so I only kept the people who replied to my pathetic "Who stills wants to be my friend". Since I don't post often I guessed my messages got buried!!

I always had a blast reading your entries so when you didn't reply I figured you didn't want me to stalk you anymore! I knew you weren't on often either so I wasn't sure which one it was. I also fell off fandom and almost quitted LJ about 5 or 6 times! I wasn't mad at you, I think you're really awesome. But we know each other by association, so... Was it intentional? Yes and no, but if you allow me I'd be totally happy to stalk you again.


pashoshi November 7 2010, 03:22:16 UTC
Really? I usually check my flist obsessively and reply to those kinds of posts, but I guess that must have been during a period when I was failing at that. I just remember seeing that you'd defriended me and being sad but not wanting to ask why. Anyway, I've been seeing you around other people's journals recently and I kept thinking about commenting but was too much of a chicken. XD So if you do want to be friends again, I'll happily friend you.


ceathair November 7 2010, 03:39:37 UTC
Awwwwww.... I'm so sorry I made you sad! I kinda half hoped that you just missed my post but I'm very pessimist at times. I didn't message you because I was expecting an awkward message of "I was happy to got rid of you." Yes, my mind is that paranoid.

I kinda stayed with K8 and now I'm really more into since the last few months I've been commenting more. Arashi too. Well, I'm glad that we've become friends again!!!

Now, I'm going to go read all of the entries that I missed on your journal.


pashoshi November 7 2010, 03:47:48 UTC
Haha, well, I guess the moral of the story is that we should both be less paranoid. XD At any rate, it's good to have you back.


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