The Time Hasn`t Come Yet - Fic

Jul 28, 2010 02:37

Kinda pick up where I left...more or less.

"You're an idiot!"

Uchi`s lower lip pouted, his eyes watered but the shoulders stayed stiff, his posture was straight and towered over Ryo's, though not by much.

Ryo's hands fumbled over his pockets, pulling so hard against his coat that he almost tore the fabric apart. He felt Uchi`s eyes pathetically watch him as Ryo shoved a cigarette in his mouth and managed after the fifth or sixth tries to light it. Truth was, he didn`t even feel the nicotine in his blood, adrenaline had become his first rate drug, but the gesture was comforting by its familiarity.

"Don't say you're sorry." Ryo warned sharply when he saw Uchi's mouth move.

"Ryo-chan, maybe it would be a good idea to come back in." Yasu's voice was soft but the reproach in it cut Ryo a little more than he expected.

Ryo`s eyes met Uchi`s, there was just so much Ryo knew was left to say, things only he could say. It was hard for him to let go, he had appointed himself as Uchi`s keeper so long ago that it bothered him to have someone else step between them. Even people he trusted.

Uchi nodded at him once, and Ryo knew immediatly that it meant they were fine and they would continue this talk later.

Still, Ryo didn't move an inch, not even to bring the burning cigarette to his lips.

Subaru slid next to him and took it from him before pluckering it between his lips.

"Go with Yasu." Subaru said his words clouded by smoke and a jerk of his hand.

Ryo shifted his weight from his other foot, staring at the hand that once had a skull etched in ink, he could have sworn he could still see it, like a bad omen. He moved his gaze to Subaru`s eyes but wasn`t sure he knew what he saw in there.

Ryo followed Yasu in silence to the apartment they were using and laid his head against the still laid out futon watching his awkward position as Yasu laid out his sketchbook and pencils.

"Kimi-kun was right."

"About what?" Ryo asked when he realised that Yasu needed an answer to tell his story.

"Shibuyan is the only one you listen to." Yasu commented choosing a black crayon to start like a prop in a scene.

"That`s bullshit." Ryo said, drawing one arm over his eyes as a shield against the brightness of the room.

"Oh, really?" Yasu replied, Ryo didn`t need to see the raised eyebrow and the disbelief in his face to know it was there.

"I listen to no one." Ryo lied, a victory smile tickled his mouth when he heard Yasu's soft chuckle.

A long moment passed before Subaru`s and Uchi`s steps were heard in the hallway, Ryo had almost been lulled the sleep by the sound of pen against paper. He had no idea what Yasu was drawing nor did he care to know but it was a small comfort.

Ryo moved his arm when Subaru crawled next to him on the futon and took a glance at Uchi who choosed to sit as far as possible in the space, eyes swollen from crying.

"I'm sorry I'm an idiot." Uchi said outloud to Ryo, tears threatening to fall again.

Ryo's breathe caught in his throat, he knew he should say something comforting, a joke, or really anything at all. But he couldn't get around the ball of nervosity and guilt in his throat.

Subaru's fingers circled his wrist, hard.

"Oh, Hiroki. We're all idiots sometimes, ne?" Yasu said before moving next to Uchi, close enough to engulf him in a hug in a second but not touching.

"I guess. I just feel like the biggest idiot sometimes." Uchi tried to smile at Yasu but it didn't quite turn out right and Yasu's face mirrored the grimace.

No one predicted that Yasu's next move was to hit Uchi on the side of his head.

"What was that for?" Uchi whined, standing up to put as much distance between him and Yasu.

"Shin-chan isn't here to do it himself. If he was he'd tell you that you're an bigger idiot to let your spirits down." Yasu replied pointedly before crawling back to his sketchbook.

Ryo looked at Yasu in awe, despite the horrible animal print shirt he had on, the manicured black nails, Yasu could still be the manlier of them all.

Uchi was sulking in a corner when Ryo woke up from his nap. Subaru was still next to him but he was curled facing Yasu. Shige was trying to fend off Tacchon in the kitchen, not realising how much of a lost fight that was. Though when he thought about it, Ryo realised that Tacchon was a much better cook then Shige, he rolled to his feet.

Time to kick Elite-san out of the kitchen.


times has not yet to come, je fic, fic

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