Believe it or not, I'm still a JE fan

Jul 12, 2010 23:25

12 Jul 2010, at night, EDT
1. Which Johnny band is your favourite?
- Kanjani8

2. Why?
- Because I love their crazy factor, they love they have for each others, because they`re kinda the underdogs and it makes me want to root for them. I love their rock side and the fact they play their instruments.

3. Who is your favourite Johnny?
- I can`t find a favorite but I tend to gravitate toward Uchi, Ryo and Yoko

4. Why?
- Uchi was slightly the odd man out in K8 which is how I felt in my first year of JE fandom, he`s princess-like and refined while being snarky and stupid at times. He's a bit like me, people tend to think he's snobbish from afar but idiotic when people meet him. He`s also very pretty and he can act angsty. Ryo, I love most of his rock songs...his songs always touch me by being the exact type of music I like. He`s a good actor too. Yoko is awesome in so many ways, he`s super smart and plans for things. He`s also underappreciated.

5. When was your very first contact with a Johnny?
- My friend forced me to listen to Arashi, NEWS and made me watch "Nobuta wo Produce."

6. Who was it?
- Yamapi and Kame

7. How did you know him?
- My BFF made me watch NEWS PV and said that Yamapi was an actor. Kame had wrote a song call Kizuna but Jin sung it better. Then I watched a lot of concert without knowing who was who.

8. When actually did you really start listening/liking the JE?
- Around November/December 2007.

9. What incident brought you into JE?
- The writer`s strike of 2007 while gave me nothing to watch during my winter holiday, so I turned to JDrama. I watch all the episode of Kurosagi in 2 days.

10. Do you have a favourite JE song?
- Eden, BJ... just to name 2.

11. Do you listen to them the most?
- Yes, but I tend to rotate the songs in my tiny iPod.

12. If not, who is your favourite band/artist?
- Kanjani8 is one of my favorite

13. Which band/singer did you listen/like the most before JE?
- Killers, U2, Metric, Snow Patrol, Cowboys Fringants


14. Who is your favourite in KAT-TUN?
- Jin

15. Why?
- He`s the least annoying. Although he thinks he`s the Asian Justin Timberlake.

16. Do you have a favourite song of KAT-TUN?
- Kizuna (sung by Jin), Care, I guess. Love Yourself because of Yamanade.

17. Do you have a favourite live of KAT-TUN?
- I`ve watched a few clips but nothing in its entirety.

18. Do you have a favourite show appearance of KAT-TUN?
- The first one with Becky. But it`s because she`s funny.

19. Who do you think can sing the best of KAT-TUN?
- Jin when he`s not imitating Mariah Carey or on Autotune

20. Who do you think can dance the most of KAT-TUN?
- Never really cared.

21. Who is the girliest of KAT-TUN?
- Kame

22. Who is the manliest of KAT-TUN?
- Koki?

23. Who is the cutest member of KAT-TUN?
- Junno, because of Yukan Club

24. Who is the funniest member of KAT-TUN?
- see above

25. Who is the most prettiest in KAT-TUN?
- Jin.

26. Who has the best apperance in KAT-TUN?
- Jin, but it`s mostly because he`s the only one I really care about in KAT-TUN and that`s not saying much. Jin is funny with Yamapi or with Matsujun and Ryo. Kame I like in a few drama, but not all of them. Junno will forever be Bido Yukan Club for me. Nakamaru host SC with Koyama. Koki and Ueda, I know nothing about except one raps and the other boxes.


27. Who is your favourite in NEWS?
- Koyama!!!!!

28. Why?
- Because he`s amazing, truly loyal with his BFF Shige despite the fact that the latter has grown a giant head. He`s silly and doesn`t take himself too seriously.

29. Do you have a favourite song of NEWS?
- Weeeek !

30. Do you have a favourite live of NEWS?
- The concert on Never Ending Wonderful Story DVD.

31. Do you have a favourite show appearance of NEWS?
- Never Ending something something DVD.

32. Who do you think can sing the best of NEWS?
- Tegoshi, but boy he thinks he`s Celine Dion and he`s annoying.

33. Who do you think can dance the most of NEWS?
- Masu!! Pumpkin!

34. Who is the girliest of NEWS?
- Tegoshi, but he tries too hard

35. Who is the manliest of NEWS?
- Yamapi, I think

36. Who is the cutest member of NEWS?
- Koyama!!

37. Who is the funniest member of NEWS?
- Koyama and Yamapi. Though, not alwasy intentionally.

38. Who is the most prettiest in NEWS?
- Ryo? Yamapi?

39. Who has the best apperance in NEWS?
- Yamapi, because most of the other just copy him *coughshige*

40. Do you have a favourite PV of NEWS?
- Weeeek, Taiyou No Namida


41. Who is your favourite in Kanjani8?
- Yoko!!! Maru!!!

42. Why?
- I love them both, especially together.

43. Do you have a favourite song of Kanjani8?
- I`d say I love 70% of their songs.

44. Do you have a favourite live of Kanjani8?
- Heat Up!

45. Do you have a favourite show appearance of Kanjani8?
- Can!Jani. Janiben and when they`re on Utaban, Sarudie

46. Who do you think can sing the best of Kanjani8?
- Subaru and Yasu.

47. Who do you think can dance the most of Kajani8?
- Yasu and Hina

48. Who is the girliest of Kanjani8?
- Yasu but only because he likes that style. I know he can be manly.

49. Who is the manliest of Kanjani8?
- Hina. He`s a crazy soccer fan who likes to tsukkomi people!

50. Who is the cutest member of Kanjani8?
- Yasu is super cute, but then again they all can be when they want!

51. Who is the funniest member of Kanjani8?
- Yoko and Maru

52. Who is the most prettiest in Kanjani8?
- Strangely I find Ohkura damn pretty now. He was weird looking younger but now he owns it.

53. Who has the best apperance in Kanjani8?
- Ryo, Yasu when he`s not too crazy, Yoko can clean up nice too.

54. Do you have a favourite PV of Kanjani8?
- Wahaha, Zukkoke, KyuJoShow!,

55. Who is your favourite in Arashi?
- Aiba

56. Why?
- He`s adorable especially in front of English and Danger!

57. Do you have a favourite song of Arashi?
- Believe, Happiness, A.Ra.Shi., Tokei

58. Do you have a favourite live of Arashi?
- The one with Yabbai!

59. Do you have a favourite show appearance of Arashi?
- Utaban, Vs Arashi, Sarudie

60. Who do you think can sing the best of Arashi?
- Ohno, Nino

61. Who do you think can dance the most of Arashi?
- Matsujun, Aiba

62. Who is the girliest of Arashi?
- Matsujun, I think.

63. Who is the manliest of Arashi?
- The rest of 'em

64. Who is the cutest member of Arashi?
- Aiba

65. Who is the funniest member of Arashi?
- Aiba and Nino

66. Who is the most prettiest in Arashi?
- Aiba.

67. Who has the best apperance in Arashi?
- Matsujun

68. Do you have a favourite PV of Arashi?
- Believe,


69. Who is your favourite younger unit?
- Uchi with FFF, and the guys that were/are in ABC/KIS-MY-FT2 and were juniors when Pi and co were too.

70. Who is your favourite older unit?
- Tokio.

71. Do you have a favourite member of any younger or older unit?
- Uchi but as an ex member of 2 groups. Does he count?

72. Do you have a favourite song of any younger or older unit?
- Sorafune, Nai Nai Nai.

73. Do you have a favourite show with any younger or older unit?
- Utaban, SC premium.

74. Do you have a favourite live of any younger or older unit?
- the Countdowns?


75. Do you have a favourite actor in JE?
- Nino, Ryo, Uchi, Nagase, Toma, Matsujun and Yamapi

76. Do you have a favourite dorama starring with one of JE?
- Hana Yori Dango, Nobuta wo Produce, Stand Up!!, 1 Litre of Tears, Kurosagi, Hanazakari no Kimitachi e, Honey & Clover, Osen, Yamanade

77. What was your very first dorama staring with one of JE?
- Nobuta wo Produce/Kurosagi. Plus scene from Hana Yori Dango

78. Which dorama of JE do you watch recently?
- Guest Room 0, tried the drama with the guy from SMAP, will watch Joker and Unabore and the nurse drama with Ohkura

79. Which dorama of JE do you want to watch?
- It`s more the movies I want to see like Bandage and Liar Game

80. Who do you wish would should start acting, who hasn't yet?
- Yara. And I want Kazama

81. Who do you wish should stop acting, because he sucks at acting or he should do something else instead?
- Tegoshi. Shige is not that amazing either, I couldn`t watch more than 10 minutes of Troubleman. Yamapi needs acting class but the boy does have charisma, somehow. Kame needs to choose his roles better.


82. Do you think that you are JE addicted?
- YES.

83. Why do you think so?
- The amount of time spend to it compared to what I could do productive instead is mindblowing.

84. What will you do seeing your favourite Johnny standing infront of your door?
- I`d be like "Nandeyanen!" I already answer "Eh?" to people when I don`t catch something.

85. What advantages does starting liking JE give you?
- Learning Japanese, it did bring me out of boredom and brought me to a new way of thinking.

86. What disadvantages does it give you?
- Lots of wasted time spend of this!!

87. How many times a day do you think about JE?
- Did you expect me to count? What a weird question.

88. How many times do you have the face of your favourite Johnny around you?
- Whenever I go on my LJ friends list or when I relax with a drama.

89. If your favourite Johnny or your favourite JE has to grant you a wish what would it be?
- I`d make a movie where my favorite JE boys would act in it!!!

90. If you have a wish about JE, what would it be?
- Have their songs available mainstream in the western world.

91. If you are reborn, you wish to be who?
- K8`s manager, so I could be there for the LOL and tell them what they should be doing.

92. If you are a Johnny's right now, who do you wish you are?
- Yara, because he`s amazing.

93. If you can ask your favourite Johnny or your favourite JE band a question, what would it be?
- I`d ask Uchi on live TV where he was between 2002 and 2005 so they can stop pretending he was never in NEWS or K8.

94. Did you ever had a dream with a Johnny?
- Some daydreams, yes. Dreams? Yes but they`re pretty fuzzy right now.

95. If yes, when was it and what was it?
- See above

96. Do you have any realizeable goal in your life that has to do with JE?
- Going to Japan next Spring.

97. Do you like JE BL fanfic?
- Some, yes. When they are well written

98. If yes, who are the best couple of JE?
- Ohmiya SK, Subassan because they`re cannon-ish. I like RyoUchi in fiction, some other pairing too. I even like some het!pairing *gasp!*

99. If you are Johnny-san what would you change about JE?
- Allow them on iTunes. Make sure the ones with talent are in shows/moview/drama

100. Do you like this survey?
- Okay, I could have done without the repetitive who is girly/pretty/funny in each group.

kanjani8, survey, je, news, fandom

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