Aug 01, 2008 18:08
Two posts in one's previous entry. My feeling of homelessness actually turned into a reality. Four hours later, I got kicked out..All of my belongings are in my friends garage and I am here at their house right now. I have plans to transport all of my belongings to Rosarito in about 3 trips. I am going to be living with my dad, he doesnt even know yet. I haven't been able to contact him and he is out of town. It's going to be really tough for the next few months. I dont know how i will be getting to school and to work. School starts in about 3 weeks. I wont panic becuause i know everything will come together. So.. Paulie came into my room as Hecky and I were laying in bed after cleaning a house and he started arguing with me and making no sense at all and the argument ended with " You have three days to get out of here, I want you out of here" Everyone has told me that I am the last person that deserves to be kicked out of that house. If it wasn't for me no one would be living in that house. I immediately began to pack my most important items, and it turns out that I barely have much at all. My brother sat on his ass and played a video game while I was taking all of my stuff in to Heckys car, he could care less about me. I can tell you one thing that I will promise...Kyle will never be a part of my future. I have no brother.
I don't understand this world that exists, this world of gossip. When I am not there, they all talk about me, they are all against me. Even my mom speaks for me to others....I am kind of sad about all of this but I was ready for it and I guess inside i was just waiting for it to happen. I am much better off not being there. I have some great people in my life that know who i am and appreciate me... I have a boyfriend that loves me and has been taking care of me..I am very lucky. Overall for whoever reads this, please appreciate your family and loving parents that support you...Not having family really sucks, It's so hard to make it on your own. I would kill to have a strong family, or community...
any way peace out. I'll be around.