the greatness of a people by their thirst for freedom. You cannot hold back water, it will eventually find the smallest crack and break everything you build. The thirst for knowledge and freedom is much like water, it will assume any shape it needs to. It will find the holes in your system, freeze and make them larger, until it has what it desires, which is the freedom to go where it pleases, this is the nature of water.
I truly hope that the water of knowledge and the fire of truth destroy the bonds that hold the modern Chinese. I hope that in my lifetime we see the now ancient lie crumble and fade, so that they can be given the world honestly, and kick the rest of us in the ass as is their want.
I'd rather see this, than see their militaries invade India, Viet Nam, and their other neighbors looking for women because they've murdered all their daughters. And without the fall of communism, they would use the oldest ambition, the ambition to survive by carrying on one's genetic heritage against the young men of china, and that could truly be a dark time.