Leap this!

Dec 23, 2009 06:49

So, I saw the poster for leap year and I was like 'she's proposing?' cool. and then I saw trailer. *sigh* and apparently it's going to way more than once every four years before we get a romcom where the woman is not uptight/frigid and dating the wrong guy. Because apparently even though they can't figure out that the guy they've been dating for years/just agreed to marry is the 'wrong' guy they can see that the guy that they met 12 hours ago on a roadtrip/single hotel room/magazine assignment is the right one.

I want a movie that shows one of these relationships a few months or years down the road where everyone is going wtf? and they go back to the people that were perfectly fine for them until the suffered the blow to the head that cause them to lose their frickin' sense of reality.

Seriously--I want the sequel to Sleepless in Seattle where Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan realize they have nothing in common, don't even know each other, she doesn't like kids and it wasn't magic,it was caffeine overload or something . I want How to Lose A Guy: the sessions where they both realize what horrible people they are, and after their relationship therapist kicks them out, they break up, and of course Kate Hudson writes an article about it.

I hate Hollywood for taking a genre that I loved and churning out so much tripe with people so stupid or appallingly behaved that not only do I not want the to get together I don't want them to ever breed at all.

nonfandom, hollywood babylon, romcoms, *sigh*

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