like white hot flames licking at my face.

Nov 11, 2009 06:28

Omg! NCIS please stop with the half assed, badly done and confusing subtext. Deliberate subtext can be aweseome. This? Sucks. Mainly I think it's because neither the actors or the writers are willing to commit one way or the other. I hate the idea of Tiva, but I'd rather them have monkey sex all over the building in full view of the other agents than have to watch this every week.

and randomly:

Kelly Hu? still very hot. Why does she not do more stuff?

Also, NCIS, and NCIS:LA stop it with the making me cry over orphans thing. It's a weakness, I admit it, but seriously? back to back?

I do not ship Nate/Callen because G and Sam are married(ask Kenzi) and also sadly I find Nate kind of boring. I'm totally starting to get a whole unrequited/obsessed with Callen vibe from him though.

Hah! finally saw enough of Sam's car to look it up. Dodge Challenger (in various forms apparently) I'm a little in love with that car. That car should totally start courting Metallicar.

subtext fail, ncis, ncis la

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