Title: Nothing in the Dark
Fandom: Fastlane
Notes: This was and may some day again be a longer story.
Rule one. Deaq doesn't fuck his partners. It keeps things from getting messy. That rule goes out of the window along with a lot of others when he moves back home and starts working for Billie. Of all the rules he breaks, sleeping with Van might be the easiest.
The first time, they're on an adrenalin high from catching that bastard, Kane. Between that and mutual mourning for Dre, they slide between the sheets like it's an old habit. And it becomes a new one. Never on a case, at first, but other than that, anything goes--between women, at bad moments and good ones. Somewhere along the way though, it becomes more than just a buddy fuck, more than tension relief or a way to celebrate, more than something they do in the dark, more.
Somewhere, Deaq falls in love and that is breaking the biggest rule of all.