Fame, it's better with your friends-Entourage Pimp

Nov 04, 2008 04:57

The story before the story: Once upon a time there was a hot, A list movie actor with a group of loyal friends and a ferocious agent named Ari, trying to make it in Hollywood. Then one day, somebody said--you guys are hilarious. Somebody should be filming this stuff. Hollywood, being Hollywood, somebody ran with the idea, and through fits and starts and changes the rest as they say, is history or rather, the rest is


(just fyi, HBO loves the show as much as I do, and they will be my co- pimp)

The Characters

The Guys:

This, is Vincent Chase.

Vince may or may not be a good actor, but he is gorgeous, charming, sweet and loyal and very, very mellow about life most of the time. He smiles--

He slouches--
. A lot--
and occasionally, he is a woobie--
. This should never happen!

Because the main thing you need to know about Vince is this. He is magic-he casts a glamour on almost everybody that he meets. People love him and want him to be happy. The two people most involved in making this happen are Eric, and Ari.

This is Eric Murphy.
What to say about E. Well, to quote HBO--There's no Entourage without 'E'. He's intense.
, Adorable
Also, he comes with a phone glued to his ear.

For me, he's the soul of the show.
Vince and E love each other. A lot. A whole lot.
in ways that sometimes disturb the women involved with them.

This, is Ari Gold-Agent extraordinaire.

Ari Gold.
Unless you're E, Mrs. Ari, or Lloyd. In which case, carry on.

Things to know about Ari--he's crude, he's lewd, he's mean, he's smart and he will literally bitch slap you(yes, this happened on the show). He's also a devoted father, faithful husband,loyal friend and he adores Vince and will do pretty much anything to get make and keep him successful and happy, whether he benefits financially or not. Vince is one of the few, if not only clients he actually cares about as a person.

Johnny 'Drama' Chase-
Johnny is that 'other' sibling. You know, the one that's not quite as good looking, not quite as talented, as successful or as lucky. Johnny could be bitter or angry or jealous but instead he adores his baby brother, makes peanut butter and shroom sandwiches for E, and tweet noises with his girlfriend. He also gets arrested and kicked out of places, and has more awkward moments then any one person deserves. (Kevin Dillon gives a truly amazing performance in this role and if Jeremy Piven wasn't so in your face ferocious, I think he'd be the one wracking up all the Entourage awards.)

Four years we didn't know Turtle's name or that he saved up the money they lived off of when they first moved to LA. We did know he was sweet and loyal, a layabout, a horndog and a goof with an abiding love for weed and video games and expensive things. (Jerry Ferrara plays Turtle like an adorable puppy that makes you want to coo at him one minute, and smack him with a newspaper the next)



Ari went through a multitude of assistants before he found one that stuck. Lloyd followed him when he started his own agency, gives pep talks and advice, acts as Ari's conscience/cheerleader/reality check. Their relationship is sort of like a platonic, dysfunctional love affair.

Mrs. Ari-
Words don't describe the awesomeness of Mrs. Ari. The power behind the throne so to speak, she may be the only person Ari is actually afraid of. She also makes it easy to see why he's so devoted to her.

-Publicist for Vince and reluctantly for Johnny and sometimes E, Shauna takes no shit. She does have soft spot for Vince, no surprise there, and considers him like family. Shauna is very, very good at her job, something the guys do not make easy.


Eric's long term girlfriend. They broke up but both seem to regret it and last season hinted at a possible reconciliation.

Billy Walsh-
Demented 'artiste' and sometimes genius, Billy almost ruined both his and Vince's careers. Best taken in small doses.


The basic story follows Vincent Chase and his quest for fame and fortune, supported by his older brother Johnny, his best friend and manager Eric, his best friend and general gofer Turtle and his manager Ari. But it's more about the relationships than the quest. One of the cast said the show could be about these four guys anywhere, and that's true, but it wouldn't be quite as much fun.

So, it's fast, it's fun. It's got big houses, beautiful people, fast cars, fame, and fortune. It's wish fulfillment for sixteen year old boys. You rarely if ever see the dark side of all these things and that's fine...it's not the Sopranos, it's Sex and the City with/for guys basically. Shoes are replaced by cars, hot guys replaced by girls, shopping replaced by video games,pranking each other and well, shopping. But it's also a sitcom that doesn't mind a story arc or two, doesn't mind going a little gray or not wrapping things up in a pretty bow at the end of each episode. It's about loyalty and love, friendship, and fame and the idea that you can depend on your friends whether you're up or down.

To top it off, it's got lots of fun cameos, famous people playing themselves or versions of other famous people and bits of inside jokes and stories that will intrigue if you're interested in what goes on behind the scenes in Hollywood. It's in a way, RPF at its most fun.


The writing and vidding potential is huge for this show.

The shows got lots of flash, lots of fun moments, lots of intense moments and terrific music. There are a few great vids out there, but there's always room for more.

Gen Not huge in this fandom. The few gen stories I've read have all had some element of subtext in them. The thing is though, unlike most sit-coms, Entourage is ripe for character pieces. There are tons of things to explore, both canon, and merely hinted at, for the primary characters and some of the awesome secondary characters and guest stars. How did Ari get in the business? Did Vince's personality develop as a defense against his father? Has Harvey ever actually killed anyone? There's opportunity to explore many pov's, the women, the kids, the help. Who is really enjoying the Hollywood life and who's just fronting?


HET: There's not a lot of stand alone het fic in this fandom. Mostly what you get is het as a lead in to the slash. Of course there's not a lot of fic period so if the urge to write het fic is inspired, somebody, somewhere will be glad to get it.

All the canon ships are of course het, except for Lloyd and his Tom.

Just be aware that the guys treat sex and relationships like they're twelve and just discovered their penis. So, random hookups will not be mentioned.But even with that, there's still a huge variety of shipping possibilities. (Also, in an effort to seem unbiased Vince/E forever! ahem...I'll refrain from too much commentary on the relationships)

Also be warned, I'm a shipper so this is definitely biased in that direction. There are way more shipping possibilities here than ever dreamt of in heaven and earth.

C designates canon relationships

C Vince/Mandy- Vince and Mandy(Mandy Moore as a fictionalized version of herself) met on A Walk to Remember hooked up, and Vince fell madly in love and asked her to marry him after just a few weeks. This freaked Mandy out and she broke it off with him, leading him to stalk her/have a break down etc...depending on which rumors you hear and who you believe. When Mandy is cast as Aquagirl, Vince is open to them hooking up again, only to find out she is engaged. After some shenanigans, Mandy breaks with her fiance and secretly dates Vince, only to dump him again and go back to her fiance. Leading to much pouting, alienating of friends and near career murder on Vince's part, before he, er...completely gets over it. This is Vince's most serious relationship to date.

C Vince/Amanda Daniels-Amanda was Vince's new agent after they fired Ari. They had immediate chemistry and soon landed in bed together. Amanda bought Vince a Cartier Love bracelet. Ari convinced Vince that Amanda was trying to sabotage his chance to do Medellin because she didn't want him to go to South America for six months. Vince believed it and confronted Amanda, who dispelled the idea and then dumped Vince as his agent and his girlfriend.

C Vince/Justine Chapin-Justine is a 'virginal' pop princess when they first meet. She's also a client of Ari's and there's instant attraction. They got out on a group date and grope a bit but in never gets further than that because-A. Vince isn't willing to work that hard for sex, and B. Vince has a policy to never be anyone's first or last. They hook up again in season five after Justine has been de-virginized and is ready to just have a good time. They take a chance that sleeping together will ruin any relationship they might have.

C Eric/Kristin-When the show starts, Eric has just broken up with Kristin, who he was quite serious about. She has issues with his job and the fact that he lives with the guys, even though he stays in the pool house. They argue, they have break up sex, he dates someone else and drunk dials her, they get back together by the end of the 1st season only to break up again, permanently after he discovers she cheated on him while he was in New York.

C Eric/Emily-Emily is the first of Ari's assistants that we meet, one in a long list. She and Eric click right away-she smokes and her Dad is from New York. E is reluctant to let her hang out with the guys but she has no problem getting along with them or dealing with his job. Things are going great between them until Ari brings business into the match and when given a choice between his job and her, E chooses the job. She left Ari and went to work for James Cameron and they had a few more less than pleasant encounters.

C Eric/Sloan-Sloan meets Eric the 1st time when he's involved with Kristin and we find out through her, he was going to ask Kristin to marry him. They meet later at Ari's daughter's Bat Mitzvah and click right away. They fall in to a lovely, long solid relationship that survives a threesome, and constantly hanging with the guys. What it doesn't survive is Eric using her place as storage while he goes to South America and then Italy. Whenever they see each other, there's longing and regret, and hints of reconciliation.

Eric/Amanda There's no canon for this except for the clashes they've had over Vince, but they both bring passion to what they do, and that could easily slip over into something else. Of course all kinds of complications would arise.

Eric/Anna Faris Anna ran into Eric's car and he soon became her manager. Even though she was dating someone else, the attraction was there. It seemed mutual, and who knows where it would have gone if not derailed by Eric's conflict of interest.

C Drama/Jacquelin-They met in Cannes and maintained an adorable(complete with bird noises) long distance relationship until Drama freaked on her in a paranoid, jealous rage. He had a meltdown on the view and wound up in jail but seems to be recovered now.

C Drama/Vanessa Angel-Vanessa(also a fictional version of herself)was a guest star on Viking Quest and went on to have her own show. She also maintained an attraction to Johnny that went unrequited for years until they met up at Comic Con. Rivalry turned to passion, and sadly that was the last we heard from her.

C Ari/Mrs.Ari Canonically the kind of couple that feels real. Loving and fighting and supporting each other. As much as Ari brags and leers, it's canon that he has never cheated on her. He adores his wife and every body knows it.

C Ari/Dana Gold Former lovers, current frenemies for want of a better term, allies sometimes, clashing at others, Ari and Dana have definite chemistry, and an actual affection for each other that bleeds through.

Ari/Amanda Very similar personalities, they're rivals, first for Vince's present, and then for his future. Their chemistry is definitely more of the loathe at first sight brand. Of course that can be hot in itself.

C Turtle/Kelly Cute, short and sweet relationship that just sort of disappeared. They shared a love of shoes, but she was a little young for him and her family, especially her dad looking on made things awkward. It would have been nice for a line or two for resolution though.

C Turtle/Jamie Lynn Siegler-Surprisingly adorable, not, as they constantly claim on the show because she's too hot/good for him but because she comes across as a grown up and Turtle still has a strong essence of immaturity--more so than the others. It's this relationship that leads us to find out Turtle's name, and the fact he was a bookie in high school and when they came out to Los Angeles, they lived on the money he made.

Slash Finally(whew!)

Vince/Eric-This is pretty much the main pairing in this fandom and within the space of one show you can see why. Best friends since they were five. E was pretty much known as Vince's guy. They're completely co-dependant, a fact noted by most of the women E has dated, and pretty much any one else around them. They make life decisions together, when E is not making them for both of them, and when they fight it's like any classic romantic break up. All three of E's serious relationships and 1 potential have ended because he chose Vince
over them. Vince's one serious relationship, he never even mentioned to Eric the first time around. The closest thing to canon hoyay is a scene where Eric says he and Vince need to talk and Vince says "are you coming out, E? Because you know I like long legs." Though the subtext is major, including a very Bodyguard like ending to the first season.

Eric/Ari-This one fits the classic love/hate bill. Probably the 2nd most popular slash pairing. They've got mad chemistry and both actors bring their A game when they're together. (confession-the scene between the two of them in the restaurant in the first episode is what cemented my love for the show)Though they spend a lot of time snapping, snarling and biting at each other, they're similar in many ways--foremost in their adoration of Vince--even if they don't always agree on what's the best thing for him. When they're working together it's magic.

Vince/Ari-When Vince fired Ari in season three, everyone treated it like a break-up. There's mad love between the two of them. Vince is one of the few people that Ari goes to the wire for, and really, them slipping across the line into something more isn't that hard to see.

Turtle/Drama-Well, they did cross swords during a threesome, so we get a bit of canon hoyay there. Also, when the four of them break into pairs, Drama and Turtle usually pair up. There's no denying the genuine affection under the constant teasing though and in the right circumstances, it could definitely work.

Lloyd/Ari-Canon hoyay, during an episode, Billy Walsh asks if Ari is fucking Lloyd and the guys just kind of shrug like 'who the hell knows'.

Billy/Vince-Not only does Billy adore Vince, but Vince is one of the few people able to talk Billy down from whatever ledge he's climbed on this week. From the canon hoyay when they first meet, when Billy declares Vince "very fuckable in person" to the 'test' where he changes the script so Vince has to give someone a blow job, and volunteers to be that someone, to his near obsession in later seasons with pleasing Vince, the seeds are definitely there.

Billy/Eric-They've clashed since the beginning and throwing sex into the mix would be explosive, but definitely interesting.

Eric/Drama-Drama takes care of all of the guys, but there is definitely a thread of respect for E that he doesn't have for Turtle.

Eric/Turtle-This would be ripe for a friends with benefits relationship.

Vince/Turtle-Turtle pretty much thinks Vince hung the moon and that kind of adoration can be seductive. They're very close and slack together in bliss.

C Tom/Lloyd-Adorable, only canon gay relationship. We don't know how they hooked up, but Tom sells shoes, and hates that Lloyd is at Ari's beck and call at all times, and Ari saved their relationship, despite his misgivings. Hopefully we'll see more of the two of them.

Mrs. Ari/Dana-Really don't know if Ari would be more turned on or frightened but this is a pairing that would definitely be interesting

Shauna/Amanda/Dana-Strong, successful, gorgeous, dark haired-any combo with these women would be hard to beat.

Shauna/Kristy-Okay so this is my super secret, in the background, burning desire pairing. Kristy is Shauna's assistant, and their relationship seems similar to Ari and Lloyd's. We get a hint of hoyay during Shauna's pregnancy when Dom, Vince's friend, asks if they're a couple.

In conclusion: I freely admit, the show is not for everyone, but it's a fun ride with pretty boys and moments of aw and squee, and any show that can actually make you care whether the characters get to be rich and famous, is doing something right.

Entourage Comms and sites

the_guesthouse-fanfic, vids, icons and the occasional episode discussion. Still not huge, but getting larger.

_entourage-episode discussions, spoilers, cast info.
entourage_icons-what it says.
adriangrenier-comm devoted to Adrian
jeremy_piven-comm for Jeremy
entourage_fic-entourage fic challenge
entourage_fest-The only entourage fic fest out there so far.
entourage_elite-another icon comm
entourage_stamp-entourage stamping comm

HBO Lots of cool stuff, character and actor bios, tons of pics, and forum.

Wiki Nice breakdown of the show, and the main characters all have their own entries as well.

TV.com episode summaries, cast lists and trivia. I love this site. It's great for finding out what music was playing and random bits of info about the shows and actors. They have a forum as well, though you don't have to sign up to access most information. Just beware content is user generated with all the pluses and minuses that come with that.

entourage, pimp

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