Once in a Blue Moon-writing, meta fandom, Cookleta

Jul 24, 2008 06:06

So, I hardly ever post personal stuff here-seriously I create long ass posts in my head and the *delete* them before they ever make it here. This is about as personal as I get.

1. I'm totally having another writing meltdown. This is writer's block type c, where I'm full of ideas, but actually have some sort of mini-panic attack when I try and open google docs or whatever. I'm totally flailing because I have a gazillion challenges that I absolutely mean to finish, plus I still have to submit 9 more original pieces by the end of the year(my goal is 12 this year). I'd like to blame it on some RL stuff, but it started before that and unless I'm suddenly precog, that's not it. Plus I keep feeling like there's something I need to do and I'm missing it. (I'm doing this thing where I keep coming up with new ideas and starting them, or joining challenges instead of actually finishing stuff).

2. Metafandom is like crack to me. It totally sucks me in like that giant vacuum cleaner in Spaceballs, and makes me wanna yakety yak, while at the same time making me feel like an inexperienced,under-educated cretin with a shallow grasp on life, the universe and everything. So I wind up making long posts and then being horribly embarrassed(like I'm probably going to be at this one)that I fail at lurking, and being smart, and at grasping the etiquette of fandom.

3. Hmm, there was a 3, can't remember what it was. Oh well, how about this one. I'm totally a jill come lately as usual to the love of David Cook, and Cookleta led me to it, that and Always be my Baby, which I have played a ridiculous amount of times and which breaks my heart a little every.single.time. So now my new found kitten is named Cookie(poor little thing), and I have YaY! found some Cookleta that doesn't make my eyes bleed with either really bad writing or the really uncomfortable jump into relationship/buttsex without any consideration for the actuality(this is a word right?) of the differences in age/experience/lifestyle of the two.

Beyond my particular fondness/kink for those differences in general. I will tell my why I will always ship Cookleta in rl-as a bromance if nothing else. The handstand video. And I'm at work, so no link. Watching that video, where Cook calls David over to do a handstand I thought. 'I wonder how many times in his life has he been called out to be cute and do tricks(sing) for people' and this time Cook is calling him, but the difference is, he's right there with him, doing tricks too. And yeah, I know very little about David A. so this was primarily an impression in that moment, but there it is.

writing, writer's block, metafandom, cookleta

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