Title:The Story of A Boy
Type: slash
Word Count:10,939
Characters/Pairings: Tony DiNozzo/Jethro Gibbs
Warnings/Spoilers: Spoilers for all seasons
Summary:This is the story of a boy who grows up
This is the story of a boy who fell in love
The man he becomes
Author's Notes: Thanks to Felicia for betaing this and thanks to Nickygabriel, the KidFic big bang mod for her patience with my multiple fails on this. Quotes: The Perfect Murder, QAF:US. This was started before Bishop joined the team and she does not exist in this universe. The Between The Trees song did not inspire the title, but the lyrics were nearly perfect for the story so they are used in the summary.
Link(s) to Story Master Post/Chapters:
The Story of A Boy
Link(s) to Art Master Post(s): attached to the story