Dear Yuletide Author-long letter is long

Oct 26, 2012 03:29

Dearest, most wonderful author-your mission should you chose to accept it is--well, hopefully pretty easy and a lot of fun. Very few things squick me. Child and animal harm, graphic rape/torture, partner betrayal and public humiliation and I admit I have a particular squick for sibling harm.

Other than that you can tell me pretty much any story. I favor character over story but I love a good story too. Not gonna lie, I'm mostly a 'happily ever after' girl but I'll certainly take a 'happily for now' or even an ambiguous or unhappy ending if it's earned in the story. Sure you might make me cry but that's not always a bad thing. I love a\us, I love stories that read like canon, I love crack, I love deeply serious stories. I love pretty much every cliche that exists, I love unique takes on characters and canon that take me places I never thought about--see, ridiculously easy(as you can clearly see from my fandom choices). Basically dear author, I want you to enjoy yourself and not stress and enjoy yourself and I will love whatever you give me.

Fandoms what I done picked this year:

The Beverly Hillbillies

The Show: Watched when I was a kid and it was silly fun. I was never in love with it or anything but I was crazy about Elly May. Basically while I'm fond of most of the characters nothing is sacred. Have at it.

The Characters/Request: Elly May/Jane Hathaway. Okay a comment my mother made popped the pairing into my head and it just stuck there, begging for a yuletide request. Show after show was a quest for the perfect man for them and really a waste when they could have been falling for each other. They both wear a lesbian archetype that was coated with 'man hungry' particularly in Ms. Hathaway's case. Again, if you want to go show style I'm fine with that--wacky hijinks, broad humor and a happy ending wrap up, but if you want to do a more serious take on the relationship and queerness in the 60's that works as well. I adore friends to lovers stories but if the slash absolutely doesn't work for you then I'd still love a story of their friendship with a queer bent to it. (All I ask really is if you go the realism road, no tragic lesbians!)

Eddie and the Cruisers

The Story: One of my favorite rise and fall of the band movies, loved the music, loved the conceit, thought Michael Pare and Tom Berenger were hot like fire and deeply, passionately connected. I recently got the soundtrack and after listening on repeat umpteen times, I began craaaving a story. (Yes I know there's a sequel but since it didn't contain a teary, angry, kissy reunion between Eddie, Joanne and Frank it's dead to me!).

Characters/Requests: Basically I want an a/u that takes place the night Eddie disappeared. Instead of faking his death, I want him to leave and go to Europe maybe or the west coast and take Frank and Joanne with him. I want them to explore the changing music scene and build a band that stood the test of time so when the lost recordings pop up, they're still together, still making music and they get a resurgence in popularity. I ship Frank/Eddie like nobody's business but I ship Frank/Eddie/Joanne nearly as hard, especially after the incident at the college. Whether they were together in the movie or only get together once they take off, is the writer's choice. I included Doc in my character request because we just love his sleazy ass, and because he'd find a way to get the Cruisers free of the record company if it benefited him.

Smokin' Aces

The Story:I have an unnatural love for this movie. It was manic and weird and so much fun. I found myself attached to the characters in the short amount of time they actually had an actually sad for all of them to die. So I just craved a story of the survivors.

The Characters/Request: What I'd love is a follow up in which Messner joins Elmore and they become badass bounty hunters, all angsty and emotionally damaged and accidentally fall in love--based on a deleted scene(sadly no longer on youtube) in which Elmore gives Messner a ride out of the mess and to the hospital. I threw in Sir Ivy and Georgia because they're among the few survivors and I wouldn't mind seeing what happens to them after everything as well. The thing that unites all these characters is not only did they survive, but they lost their partners/cohorts and it'd be great if that was explored a little bit. (this was my request last year as well and there was a really nice gen piece that you know, just made me greedier.

Blue Mountain State

Sources:Full Eps
Netflix Streaming

The Show: Each episode is only about 20 mins and there are 3 seasons(I personally skipped season 1 for reasons), so if you're not familiar with it, it isn't hard to get an idea of the show--pretty much yes, every show is that goofy, vulgar, over the top fratboy mentality which, not gonna lie is something I'd normally hate. The show though made me fall in love with how weird and subversive it is. The handsome, golden god/bully boy is amazingly weird and needy and funny(seriously, Alan Ritchinson committed the hell out of that and someone needs to ignore his looks and get him into comedy stat). The super talented slacker stays a slacker. The words gay panic mean nothing to these people even when learning the best way to take 'dick pics'.

Characters/Request: I love everybody on this show and look if you want to delve deep and produce something dramatic and character building, have at it, but I'm more than happy with basically an episode with the wackiness carried to conclusions Spike couldn't quite manage. Debra and Coach amuse me so much--I much preferred them toxically together than toxically apart and a threesome with Alex would be awesome, or a threesome with anybody pretty much. It seems like it'd be the most wonderful/horrible thing ever. Any Thad-seriously, I just, I love him soooo much. He's like every jock asshole from the 80's movies I grew up with, flipped sideways and it's awesome.

dear author, yuletide, fic i want

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