100 women

Apr 14, 2011 07:01

On the one hand,I promised myself no more multific challenges.

On the other hand, I gacked a meme a while ago for 100 women characters you love and sadly after a couple of years, still was only up to 76. I'm pretty disappointed in myself about that and when I was cleaning out my WiP list, I decided to write 100 drabbles for the women on that list. This was before I knew this Com existed, so finding it is serendipitous.

On the other, other hand, they are very relaxed in what they accept. No claiming, no word count, fic,art, vids, older stuff already written, rps,etc... so I'm breaking out some of my old stuff that I really like, throwing in some WiPs this will give me incentive to finish(art as well as fic) and writing some new stuff, and I'm finishing this damn it. I'm actually giving myself a deadline which is November 7th,2012 B-day of one of the most kickass women I know, my mom.

001. Beginnings.
002. Middles.
003. Ends.
004. Insides

005. Outsides
006. Past
007. Present
008. Future

009. First
010. Last
011. Only
012. Tears

014. Hope
015. Fear
016. Love

017. Lust
018. Truth
019. Lies
020. Clean

021. Dirty
022. Hands
023. Hair
024. Eyes

025. Skin
026. Blood
027. Bones
028. Naked

029. Perfume
030. Lipstick
031. Jewelry
032. Shoes

033. Ribbon
034. Hit
035. Hug
036. Kiss

037. Possession
038. Obsession
039. Conceal
040. Reveal

041. Wealth
042. Poverty
043. Dreams
044. Reality

045. Read
046. Write
047. Paint
048. Sing

049. Dance
050. Nurture
051. Destroy
052. Mother

053. Daughter
054. Sister
055. Friends
056. Enemies

057. Strangers
058. Morning
059. Afternoon
060. Evening

061. Birth
062. Death
063. Sound
064. Smell

065. Taste
066. Touch
067. Sight
068. Fire

069. Water
070. Earth
071. Air
072. Winter

073. Spring
074. Summer
075. Fall
076. Strawberries

077. Apple
078. Lemon
079. Red
080. Blue

081. White
082. Black
083. Here
084. There

085. Strength
086. Weakness
087. Courage
088. Cowardice

089. Dangerous
090. Comfort
091. Open
092. Closed

093. Choices
094. Lost
095. Found
096. Memories

097. Writer's Choice
098. Writer's Choice
099. Writer's Choice
100. Writer's Choice

100 women, fic, challenge, table

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