wah wah! plus h50, ncis, ncis:gaaaay, white collar

Feb 09, 2011 06:50

so, I can mostly take physical exhaustion and I can deal with emotional exhaustion but piling both of them on top of being sick and having the person who'd mostly likely be helping you deal with all the crap be part of the problem sucks beyond the imagining. So far the whole '2011 is going to be a much better year for me' plan is in freefalling fail.

Annnd, on to the cheese with my whine

spoilers below the cuts

Can I just say that White Collar is the only show that I trufax believe the writers/directors/actors ship the same thing the fans do? They're good at what they do and my tinhat might be big and shiny but I refuse to believe that a lot of what they do, including paralleling aspects of Peter/Neal and Peter/El and setting up scenarios that obviously read Peter/El/Neal is accidental. I know other shows play along with us, House, Supernatural, H50, and others, you get a wink and a nudge but WC feels like they take it more seriously than that.

I'll specifically mention that in the pilot, they establish Peter's type in terms of Neal and El, then compare them again, deliberately(come on now) when Peter comes downstairs and they are sitting together on the couch, similarly dressed and they both look up at him at the same time.

More importantly, in the pilot, the key plot point is that Neal was in love with Kate and he gave up everything for her and by the last episode of the 1st season, Kate is waiting on the plane and he is about to give up everything, including Kate for Peter. The show doesn't just imply that and let the audience think what they will. In the next season, Peter needs to know and Neal tells him that he chose him...over Kate the supposed love of his life, over freedom, a new identity, a new life.

And I'm sorry, I appreciate what Peter does but it's not like they're Doctors without Borders or something so the idea that Neal is mainly attracted to, and staying because he gets to do good doesn't fly.

H50-how so awesome?
I love how on popwatch the article is about how they could use some sexual tension on the show and the writer mentions Steve/Kono or more Catherine and half the comments are various suggested hookups and the other half are pretty much...um, hello, Steve/Danny? And just from reading, a lot of these don't seem to be fen, just regular viewing public.

Steve brings the lolz, Danny brings the tears and Kono and Chin bring the ass kicking...works for me.

I have to say that as a fatherless child, what they do with Danny and Grace is the thing that has a vice grip on my heart. That they are willing to tell this story in an action show, and not just for one dramatic episode, then we never see or hear about Gracie again, but talk the talk and walk the walk keeps me coming back.

NCIS:WTF? no,seriously.

1st of all, giant fricking conflict of interest. Her personal connection to the team should invalidate all the findings.
2nd. the commander was a dick, not just for sleeping with his friends wife for 20 years but for killing himself in the most disruptive place possible, leaving it for one of his shipmates to find.
3rd. Ziva's session was just painful and the reason I hate things like this. What she wants doesn't exist, I can say that I really like the consistancy they write into her character and the slow arc they are giving her.
4th. Since when does Abby not have friends? What about the bowling Nuns? What about the friend whose band she got them tickets too? Also how can she be well adjusted and have no social life at the same time dear Frau Dokter?
5. I'm not really sure what Tony wants. Interesting because the implication was not that it was a family, since they didn't flash back to Jeanne like I thought they would. Maybe more recognition? Which is of course something Tony has always wanted.

that being said, thank goodness they didn't analyze Gibbs and thank goodness for no Tiva.


Kensi...rawr! Girl was smoking hot. She and Deeks continue to please with their antics

Sam and G---the lover's spat was so painful to watch(and by painful, I mean filled with lolz), the sulking, the cold shoulder, the barbs. I swear I thought they were going to kiss and make up at the end. I had to remind myself what I was watching, and even then, the writers had to go for the handshake/hug thing because they had ratcheted up the tension so much, lack of body contact was not going to do it. Plus again the paralleling of Sam/G with Deeks/Kensi when they have gone out of their way to establish some sexual tension between K and D.

I don't know if G's back story can get any more convoluted and at the same time, immensely boring. The only interesting thing is if the reason he picked up Russian so fast was because he already spoke it or something like it and just didn't remember.

Oh and thank you! CBS for Sam and G do CHiPs. That some fetish sex just waiting to happen. Though seriously, are they getting ready to do a remake of CHiPS? because it was only a couple of weeks ago h50 was giving it love.

rl sucks, h50, ncis:la, white collar, ncis, chips what?

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