CBS the network for hot boys and badass girls

Nov 18, 2010 01:30

H50, how so awesome?

Oh 2nd mrs lex luthor, that garrotte execution was the fab.

Even more fab? Kono's motherfuckin' bodycheck! Y'all, that girl.

Really I don't know what the point is with Steve and Danny anymore. 'you're jealous' Danny putting Grace's pic up on Steve's side of the car, CBS making a frickin' fan vid for them -- I just want to know where they're registered and if they're honeymooning in Jersey.

Loved Kono working the crime scene with Chin. Loved Danny looking for someone to assign a role to before realizing everybody was already doing something and taking it himself, then checking to see where Steve was gonna be just because.

NCIS-OMG, welcome back good show!

How hot is Liat? and the little pissing contest between her and Ziva--where they are in turns amused, admiring and thumping their chests. I'm shallow, I admit it. Nothing sexier than a kickass woman, except a smart kickass woman.

This episode reminding me of why I love this show. When it's on it really is terrific.

NCIS:Gay--there is good show in there somewhere, really--*closes eyes and clicks heels together* I believe!

okay when Kensi pulled the gay thing on Deeks I should have known there would be more gay. This show is not subtle.

Still, Kensi kicking the guy in the cahones rocked and everyone's reaction after.

Hetty's subplot was creepy and terrific and the part that showed the kind of show this could be if they had focus and direction instead of mostly it seems pulling shit out of their ass as they think the plot demands whether it makes since or not. (eg...all of a sudden Sam has kids? That he never mentioned before, even to G who knew about them, even when he was dealing with Mo or when the guys daughter was missing and buried alive.)

Also the UST between Eric and MarySue and Kensi and Deeks gets on my nerves mainly because we get the same kind of banter/competition/affection between Sam and G only with more genuine intensity and emotion and yet we know they will never get together while the other two pairings probably will. Also Eric/MarySue is just boring.

badass girls, h50, how so awesome? don't call it a bromance, hot guys, ncis, ncis:gay

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