Fandom is supposed to make you a better person

Jun 18, 2010 05:43

I'm sure this has been posted all over all ready. But,doing my little part to boost the signal. Below are lots of amazing links and commentary on this.

haiti fic links

I'm a black woman that's spent her whole life in the Southern United States. And not just in the South but in the south of Texas which has a large Hispanic population. So no, casual racism and sexism for that matter don't surprise me.

I'm a mediocre writer most times with occasional moments of pretty good and a head full of ideas, so wanting to explore a setting or event through a story certainly doesn't surprise me.

What disturbs me about her story is not that she used Haiti's tragedy but that she was willing to use anyone's tragedy as a colorful backdrop for her story.

The elements of race,culture and humanfail just in the clips I read are appalling and the thing is, I'd like to believe if she'd done the research it would never have come to this in the first place.

I honestly don't know which me is more appalled. The writer who won't even do a summer camp story without excessive research because I've seen Meatballs, but I've never been to summer camp and I do realize that books and movies aren't real; or the person who believes that a tragedy shouldn't have to happen to you for it to matter to you.

humanfail, racefail, rl, boosting the signal, other people's fic, fandom

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