Mar 15, 2007 15:47
I generally catch a cold around November and stay sick until April but with the mild winter we had, that didn't happen. It's been so long since I've had real flu I can't remember what it's like.
My appetite is okay in that I still feel hungry (like all the time now, mostly for salty foods) and the smell of food appeals to me but I'm feeling really... full? all the time? Like bloated ... not really nauseous, either.
But I'm absolutely exhausted. I have no energy, not that I'm sleepy, just physically tired. I'm warm, but not fevery at all.
And this morning I had a very strange dizzy spell, around six in the morning. I was kneeling on the ground packing my bookbag, and as I stood I hit my knee against something. Well I stood and took a step and my head just felt so heavy and dense... like gravity in my head had tripled and I just needed to be down, and I dropped to my knees but it wasn't enough so I dropped to my hands and it went away, and my husband helped me up and I felt it again but only a little and then it went away. He said I probably stood up too quickly except I know I rose slowly because I was rubbing my knee. And I've felt sort of... thick all day now, it hasn't happened again and I don't feel light-headed, more like the opposite. Just heavy, and like I could get a headache really easily.
I really hope I'm not getting sick; I have too much work to do - like write. It's just sort of weird to me. (If it weren't for the weird head thing I'd think I had PMS early or something.)