I forgot to update this yesterday!
Yesterday I got run over by my car. It was another brilliant moment in the life of Deborah. You know, one of those kinds of things where people look at me and say "you know, of all the people I know, that would happen to you" (after confirming that I wasn't injured).
Joel's ship came to Seattle this weekend (and another ship as well, the Nanaimo), which was awesome. He didn't have to work all weekend so he came and stayed with me. I hadn't seen him since Christmas break so that was nice. ALSO, he brought me all my Christmas presents, from his parents and from his aunts and uncles AND FROM MY PARENTS!
Yes, my friends, I am now the proud owner (and currently wearer) of these babies:
Which just so happen to match the purse that Joel gave me for Christmas:
(Though the leather part is actually green, which is nicer.)
Am I awesome? Yes I am. Am I awesomer than you? Yes. Unless you have the awesome wellies and purse that I happen to have. Anyway, for now I don't think you can handle anymore of this awesomeness, so I'd better move on.
Yesterday morning I had to take him back to his ship bright and early, so as he finished packing up and putting on his shoes, I went out to my car to warm it up and scrape frost off the windshield. I turned on the engine, put it in neutral, got out of my car, and started scraping away. Apparently scraping was just enough to bump my car into moving, and apparently my emergency brake wasn't on all the way (it's an old car, sometimes it's tough to get it all the way up, and it didn't go anywhere all night!), so it started rolling.
Unfortunately when it started rolling, my right foot got in the way and the wheel went over it and stopped the car. But at the same time that it stopped the car, it also stopped me from going anywhere. I was absolutely stuck in place. I tried pushing the car off of me, but as you might imagine (or might know from experience), cars are really heavy, and it wouldn't budge. My foot didn't hurt too much. Fortunately I was wearing my new wellies instead of typical flats that I would wear with a dress (hey, I was excited about my new wellies and they looked cute with the dress, we can do that sort of wellies-with-a-dress/skirt thing in Seattle), and it was more on the top of my foot instead of just my toes. Because it was on my right foot, it meant I was further from my door handle, so I couldn't reach that to open the door and honk the horn, much less reach inside my car to get to my mobile phone (which I had tossed to the passenger side anyway).
So . . . all I could do was wait. And wait and wait and wait. It seemed to take Joel exceptionally long to come outside, but maybe it felt longer than it actually was. Who knows? I couldn't look at my clock. It was on my mobile phone. In my car. When he came out finally, I called for him to come quickly and help me, so he came running and pushed the car off my foot, and he rescued me. I was able to climb into the car then and put the brake on for real.
What a weird experience.
Probably the strangest thing he said to me after that was, "If that happens again, you should just take your foot out of your boot."
Yeah, that would be nice, if my entire foot wasn't trapped underneath a car. I suppose I could gnaw my leg off just above the ankle . . .