Mar 14, 2007 21:39
I've had a surprisingly good week; Which doesn't happen often, so I'll tell you all about it, lol.
1) I got an unexpected scholarship refund check from Central- $1,300.!!
2) I went on a date Monday night with Asher, that went really well :)
3) I recieved my letter from Sea World saying I've got the job this Summer, in FLORIDA
4) I kicked my econ exam's a$$- 92%
5) Almost better- a 99% on the history exam
6) It was 61degrees yesterday, and I haven't worn my coat in 3 days.
7) Sarah, Asher, and I went to Coldstone and watched Shrek 2 at Annie's Tues. night
8) We have hamster babies that are really cute
9) I don't have to work this weekend
10) Date #2 planned for Thursday night, if he's not still sicky
oh, and Spring Break in Panama City, FL was awesome
So yea, I'm happy. I'm kinda scared at what next week will bring, but I'm hoping things just keep getting better. :)