Nov 06, 2005 21:11
I hate things that you once really wanted that are completely gone..
The guy at Red Twig was so beautiful. He looked just like Gael Garcia Bernal, and he was wearing a beanie. When he walked out of the kitchen while i was waiting for the bathroom, he kind of stopped, and smiled at me, and then I smiled at him, and then he stumbled away, and then I tripped over something gigantic and it fell over and I tried to put it back up. And I just thought, wouldn't it have been nice of he had just taken me and kissed me. That would have been wonderful.
Then, when he brought me my salad, I said "thank you," and he turned around as he was walking away and said after a little pause "your welcome." I don't know why but for some reason it was really sweet.
And then I went home.
Why can't life be like Shakespeare in Love??
Still, sometimes I wonder if that one thing could have played out like it did in my head. Impossible. Possible?