(no subject)

May 09, 2006 18:57

At work, fixing computers. Ack. that pretty much sums up today, unless you take interest in the fact I bought like $35.00 of those little microwavable soups from campbells just so I could have a nice low-cal meal here at work.

As for the weekend, went to a birthday party for the 8 year old son of a good friend of mine from England. Being the thoughtful person that I am I picked out the messiest toys that I could for him. A massive watergun and 250 water balloons! I hope he gets to enjoy them before his mom confiscates them, lol.

My friends have just build a new home, and it's a beauty. Three stories, big upstairs gaming parlour, several bedrooms, it's very very nice. We enjoyed talking and cutting up. Nicole and I were pretty hungry so it was a welcome sight when the snacks came out. I got to try an English trifle for the first time, lol, excellent... :-) We walked around most of the time repelling the hyperactive children from attacking us, but had time for a few games of billiards (which I lost badly) and some video game action. It was a rainy evening which made for a very nice drive back. The sound on the sunroof was something like I used to enjoy at camp when it would rain and put me to sleep. In this case, I was lucky in that I didn't go to sleep, but Nicole sure did. One minute she's propped up against my arm, the next she's slid face down onto the center console, heheh.
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