Tweeted today:

Dec 23, 2008 07:24

  • 08:01 blogged: The Houseguest. #
  • 09:56 is not in a very good mood today. #
  • 11:45 just emailed my husband that I refuse to take part in extended family gift exchanges. Would rather donate to family in need. T/Y @sbonnin. #
  • 12:30 @ LisaBraithwaite BIL/SIL & their kids. $30 4 each kid/$20 for adults. 4 kids/3 adults. Ridiculous. I need nothing. We shd b resp 4 own kids #
  • 14:42 @ jrotem Happy Hanukkah to you too! #
  • 14:42 is thinking she was alone in her quest to simplify holiday gift giving. Bunch of bullshit. #
  • 14:49 @ LisaBraithwaite Thank you - Happy Hanukkah to you too! #
  • 14:51 wake me up when it's all over, k? #
  • 19:23 my parents offered to take older boys to desert for 2 days on Sunday. Praise the good lord, peace will reign in my kingdom. Happy Hanukkah! #
  • 19:34 @ sbonnin Quietish is right - Drew will be easy! #
  • 19:49 @ sbonnin Hehe - you're on your own. I'm not pushing my luck! #
  • 07:15 up early with a purpose: going for a walk at the beach w/ my girlfriend I haven't talked to in AGES. Oh, the guilt. #
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