Tweeted today:

Nov 16, 2008 07:59

  • 08:49 So Cal weather: today - 85. tomorrow - 85. Monday - 85. #
  • 14:55 @ gwenbell Yes, and yes! #
  • 14:55 it's smoky. Fire near RPV City Hall - hazy & smoky & pink cast on everything. Not very comforting. #
  • 17:00 highly doubts she'll be making dinner tonight. #
  • 17:21 @ BethSchoenfeldt Always. #
  • 17:21 @ SAuerswald Yup. Just loaded the car! Can't wait to see you! #
  • 06:24 @ sewdarnjenny crying fits are SO helpful. #
  • 06:24 is up early - couldn't sleep & woke to that awful strong BURNING smell. Are freeways still closed all over LA? Off to find out. #
  • 06:30 looks like many of the freeways reopened - traffic/freeway information here: #
  • 06:57 @ sbonnin can't wait. Scott is bringing me & helping me set up. See you soon! #
  • 06:58 @ pinkbathtub it's a million degrees! #
  • 07:02 Map of the So Cal fires: #
  • 07:31 @ sbonnin Oh yes, teenagers - I know them well. #
  • 07:31 @ brownbeestudio I think Simi Valley is okay. #
  • 07:32 Los Angeles folks - if you need a diversion today from the news - head over to FELT CLUB at the Shrine! Info: #
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