Oct 19, 2003 16:28
So lately I have been struggling with school. I have no motivation to be here because I feel that it is not applicable to what I would like to do for the rest of my life. Though I don't know what I want to do for the rest of my life I know I don't want to be Mr. Corporate America, which is here my degree will take me. I fully understand that over time your desires can change and that a lot of people wind up doing things they don't want to do because they have a family and they just do what they can do, but I don't want that to be me. To be honest I'm scared as crap that I'm going to wind up doing something that I not only don't love, but even something that I hate. So from this point I have begun to brainstorm. I have been trying to think of things that I would love to do for the rest of my life. The list to this point is very short. I have come up with nothing. I could very seriously do nothing for the rest of my life. I don't mean I would sit and not even move, but if I could somehow achieve the college life without the college part of it. I know that I'm not alone in this and I sure don't think that it is achievable, so this causes me to look into a second option. I love music. Wouldn't it be cool if I could do something with music for the rest of my life? I am not only referring to sitting in the den 20 years from now and plucking some Roy Orbison tune, but what if I could get pain to do something with music, what if that was how I made my living? That would rock so hard. For the longest time I just dismissed the idea saying I'm not good enough, or that it is just not realistic. Lately though I have begun to think that it is not a completely retarded idea. I mean why not, what is there to stop me? You might respond with talent, I respond with Nickel Back. You might respond with ambition, I might surprise you. Finally you might respond with a band, and there I would have to agree. Though I don't think I would necessarily have to be playing music to be happy, I do feel that I would sure love it. For now I think I will stay in school and get some stupid degree to have in my back pocket that I'm sure one day I will be proud of, maybe at a high school reunion if I go. I don't know why I describe this stuff here, but just bare with me.