I'll admit this once, and only once.
Jeremy Davies is DEAD SEXY. (No pun intended)
Waves at Ashli, then hangs 45 year old head, in shame.
Truth be told, if you guys want an idea of what my Mark is like, look no further. Same body type, same speech patterns, same absentmindedness--partially because of his epilepsy, same coloring, minus the beard, Mark only has the stache. I want him to grow the beard back--he had one when we met, almost 19 years ago... but he says it's too much of a pain to maintain.
That is all.
You all can feel free to stop laughing anytime. :)
Oh, and I just found this lovely thing-
guh, Guh, GUH. From shooting stills of Iron Man II, that comes out NEXT summer. You know, hell with the shame. I LOVE being a fangirl!