French hunters, boars and another stuff

Dec 27, 2010 02:52

(in French and English)

En anglais et franchement, remplacez "boar" (sanglier) par "human" dans l'article, ça marche la plupart du temps... Ce qui m'évoque un autre article, savez-vous qu'une troisième race humaine ayant coexisté avec la nôtre a été découverte cette année, tout comme les néandertaliens se sont croisés avec les humains (excepté les africains), les hominidé de Denisova se sont croisés avec une partie de l'humanité (les mélanaisiens).
L'article que je lisais pointait du doigt quelque chose de bien intéressant : pourquoi les deux races humaines qui ont vécu en même temps que la race à laquelle nous appartenons ont-elle disparu ?
L'humain ne semble guerre apprécier la concurrence, je pense.

Remplace "boar" by "human" in the BBC article, it works well most of the time...
It reminds of some articles I read this year about a third human race which has coexisted with our human race at a time and such as the Neanderthal did with us : interbreeding (except with Africans), in this case, Denisova interbred with Melanesians.
There was something interesting in the article : why did the two other races (Neanderthal and Denisova) disappeard and not us .
I think that humans don't like competition...

Exemple/Example :

The problem is not just that the animals cause severe damage to crops and meadowland.

They are also beginning to encroach on areas inhabited by humans. Omnivorous, adaptable and highly mobile, wild boar have been increasingly spotted in town streets and gardens in recent years.

In 2009, they were responsible for nearly 21,000 road accidents across the country. Neighbouring countries including Germany and Italy reported similar problems. Now it is up to the hunters to keep the wild boar population under control

To curb their numbers, the government recently enacted a National Wild Boar Control Plan. This authorises the hunting of boar all year round, in suburban zones as well as the countryside, and at night as well as in the daytime.

Previously hunting for boar was seasonal, as for other [b]game[/b].

Devient :

The problem is not just that the humans cause severe damage to crops and meadowland.

They are also beginning to encroach on areas inhabited by animals. Omnivorous, adaptable and highly mobile, humans have been increasingly spotted in town streets and gardens in recent years.

In 2009, they were responsible for nearly 21,000 road accidents across the country. Neighbouring countries including Germany and Italy reported similar problems. Now it is up to the hunters to keep the human population under control

To curb their numbers, the government recently enacted a National Human Control Plan. This authorises the hunting of humans all year round, in suburban zones as well as the countryside, and at night as well as in the daytime.

Previously hunting for humans was seasonal, as for other [b]game[/b].
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