My Year- In Review:

Dec 11, 2005 23:07

I would FIRST like to state that it's unfair for me to do this since I usually post 1 time per month.
That said: My year in review-

Go to your Calendar and find the first entry for each month of 2005. Post your favorite lines of it in your journal, and that's your "Year In Review".

January 1:

He says he's been waiting since 7, mind you this gas station is in the Ghetto, and this man sticks out like umm- A Country hick in the middle of a bunch of black people?  I purchase Ticket, then we make our way to the bus, same bus for both of us. We Go To Atlanta, 2.5 hour wait, but not so bad- it IS Greyhound afterall.

Febuary 10 (Feb 3rd is a survey):

I don't know- a lot of people don't like his movies, but I think that though some of his movies may not be good, the amount of detail he puts into each scene... and the way he can move stories along is amazing.

March 2:

I've been saying it doesn't bother me that much; but I'm going to say it. I'm lonesome. I want someone to relate to. I want someone with depth; who isn't looking for love... who isn't expecting me to be there. I want a girlfriend... one that'll last a long time.

April 28:

I wish I'd been more social in High School. Not Aquaintences, I wanted to hang out with the people I spent time with in school everyday, so much so that in some cases, that kept me from doing so.

Is this Growing up? Not talking to people who you knew as a child? I don't like it.

Where are all those people I used to think would be there forever?

June 30:

BACK In Action. Give me a few days to get things straightened out and I'll be good as new.

July 3rd:

I got the car, and I love it. It's name is Hitch and it's a 1994 Chevy Cavalier with a Trailer Hitch. It's the Greatest Gift I've ever Recieved and I'm thankful for it.

August 4:

This isn't about who reads this. It shouldn't be- I told myself I'd write my feelings regardless of who was out there watching. I think I've done pretty well of writing what I think regardless of who reads, but I'm updating less and less. I think it's because I'm running out of useful information. I know what I'm going through in my life.

September 11:

I'm having trouble grasping the concept behind me not finding a girlfriend and there being so many jerks who come into work talking about this "hot chick" that they hooked up with over the weekend and never plan on calling again...
I need a lack of compassion... maybe that's it. I need to be able to feel no shame for doing something like that. because currently, I am under the wrong way of teaching

October 17:

I go further into the pit... down...down... into the mass of bodies, and I have to climb through it. I can't find Scotty, but he's in here somewhere...



December 4:

I'm leaving for New York.
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