Nov 20, 2005 17:35
OK so it's been a really long time since i've updated this thing, and I'm sure a tonna stuff had to have happened in the past two months... joe's house...goin to laro's every weekend lol... getting hired at finishline... then quitting at finishline, that didnt last too long haha.. nothing else has really changed.. Nikki- still #1 in my book, always will be.. MORGANNN- treasurer of the class of 07,congrats, and also been hangin out with her a lot lately..always good.. ive also been hangin out with maegan and candace a lot.. always fun. Memorial football got it's first win, and I was not there to see it.. kinda shitty but whatever..Chris Larochelle made a comeback to football and BREAKING NEWS!!!- didnt get tackled by trinitys punter to tear his ACL, nicely done. Basketball and Hockey are both going to be really good, and I'm going to try and get to every game with the boys and get some spirit into the winter sports at MHS, something we really need after this season of the fall sports' collapse.. oh yeah and laro still hasnt updated his livejournal haha.. hockey game with morgan tonight maybe??woohoo.. OH YEAH and i almost forgot the briefcase guy that joey saw in auburn going to KARIEL PARIEN'S HOUSE hahahahaha...also, deerfield fair-airhorning random kids walking beside our car... smitty having a flat, laro locking the keys in his trunk when he tries to get smitty his spare tire... and the fact that me and nikki left an houe before all this was the best part haha.. comment