How I got into KPop

May 24, 2009 23:47

"Without music, life would be a mistake." - Friedrich Nietzsche

I'm into KPop. I have been for awhile now. It's somehow taken over my itunes library.

I'm always curious as to how people get into KPop.

Here is my story:
  In 2007, I took a history class called Modern East Asia. We had to choose between three movies to write a summary, the choices were Tora Tora Tora, Taegukgi and some other film I forgot. I chose Taegukgi because TTT was already rented. As soon as I watched the film, I was blown away by the quality of film. I knew of those cheesy kung-fu movies that you could buy for $5 at a bin in Wal-Mart, so watching an Asian film with the production values of Hollywood films turned me onto more Korean films.

The next logical step from film was KDramas, and the first drama I ever watched was My Name is Kim Sam Soon. I was immediately taken by the Clazziquai songs She Is and Be My Love. After that I began a search for Clazziquai's albums and discovered all these sites offering KPop songs and just started downloading, and the rest is history.

So that's my story on how I got into KPop, I am still going through new songs everyday since I have so many discographies from artists in every genre downloaded.

If there was some advice I could give to people thinking about KPop, I would say "KPop is addicting."

kdrama, addicting, nostalgic, kpop, k-pop, story, taegukgi, my name is kim sam soon, clazziquai, thoughts

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