Jun 24, 2004 01:03
-Just got back from telecine and all of our footage looks cool. We shot it all on super 16mm, but on an HD monitor it looks like 35mm.
-All there is is editing and post production. My pull focusses were good for the most part. There are a couple of times that I messed up, but only about 2 or three times out of 2 1/2 hours of footage.
-I've been so tired!
-On Sunday moring we drove to Las Vegas for B-roll footage. We got a room in Treasure Island overlooking the south strip and shot a time lapse as the sun set. We also got some shots of the casinos as we drove by. This will all be a part of our opening sequence.
-We left Vegas at 5am the next morning. Nothing beats a 27 hour Vegas trip. 12 hours being on the road driving and about 4 hours sleeping.
-When I have anything to telecine, I am going to the Post Group. They are the only telecine place in Hollywood, or LA as far as I know, that has a soft-serve machine. However, I feel like crap now. Lately I have been avoiding processed sugar. So when I fill with Ice cream I crash hard.
-On the bright side I only have 2 more days of classes, then the weekend. Monday morning I'm driving back to New Mexhiccup. My Mom is going to fly to Phoenix after work and help me do the drive in one shot.
-In a related story: I spent about $370 on new brakes today. My front brakes were making a sound like glass scraping on metal, and since I have a road trip coming up I thought I would have the brakes looked at. I haven't had the brakes replaced since owning the car, so I suppose it was due.
-I was telling my friend Matt about my brake bill and he said in an unenthusuastic tone, "Ooh. That's like a third of my Chapman Leonard deposit." For our film we rented dolly track and Matt had to leave a hefty deposit, though the bill is only a couple of hundred dollars.
-I agreed with him how after you spend over $8,000 on a film including: $3,000 just to buy the film and process it and telecine it and another $1,400 for camera rental with a group of friends/classmates a $370 brake bill is a deal.
-I've spent so much on camera stuff that large car maintence bills feel like mosquito bites. However, those bites will start to itch fast one I'm out of school and have to start repaying my Viper-sized debt.