Aug 29, 2009 20:43
Having received my new server to replace the old hacked together desktop unit I have been fighting with getting Linux installed. For some reason it will not recognize my network hardware. I have been posting on the Debian Administration forums and received little help so far. I'm hopeful someone will pop up with a good answer eventually. I did try Google apps to use as a synced mail system for my iPhone, desktop and Lappy. But for the sync option you have to buy a premium service. Something Google does not tell you until you are hours into setting up the system. So I cancelled the entire Google apps thing and went back to searching for a server based exchange like system I can run here at home.
The yard has a lot more concrete. Nearly three yards were poured while I was on vacation. Today before it got too hot I went out and started digging up my watering system. Working to change zones and how plants are watered in prelude to planting more of the Texas Privets for my hedge wall. All I really succeeded in doing today with the help of my partner was exposing the sections where I need to make changes.
A friend who was hosting another friend because he needed temporary shelter had written me and asked if I knew of a cheap monitor he might buy. I told him at the time that I had no idea. As it happened today, we went to breakfast and upon returning found our neighbor was having a yard sale. Right out front was a monitor with a free sign on it. I asked her if it worked, she said it did before sitting in her garage for a few months. So I took it and it did indeed work. Immediately I called my friend in Mariposa and informed him of my find. He was happy and said if I didn't mind he and his roomy would drive down and pick it up. Naturally after a discussion with my partner we decided to have them for dinner where a large supply of Spaghetti was made. They hung out most of the day as it was quite hot. My friends roomy had a fantastic German Sheppard of about 5 years and maybe 100 pounds; a well behaved and very friendly canine. They eventually left about 6 and we cleaned up then headed out to visit my parents and buy the PVC parts we needed to finish the water system changes.
For some reason I am very tired today and I think bed is soon in my future.