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Oct 02, 2005 01:28

somedays are just harder than others. when you're home alone for the majority of the day you start thinking about everything. and sometimes looking at your past gets depressing, even thinking about the situations today are sad, and the future. the past contains hard times that i can't ever let go. today i realized i don't have any regrets. everything happens for a reason. i used to have a lot of regrets, but i think... what if i went back and changed it, would i have met all the same people? God puts people into my life at the right time... and He also takes them out at the right time. right now things could be way better, but what happens to me today will help me shape my future. there are so many things to be scared of from the future. first i'm scared of the generations to come. they aren't being brought up on the right things, it seems they are less intelligent people. or at least kids who don't care. next of course i'm scared of environment issues because there is next to nothing being done to fix it... including me. i'm worried about gas prices in the future... i'm scared about the gas running out. death is a scary thing to think about too, i know i can't be the only person who thinks about it once in a while. when something happens to you that almost takes your life you begin to become thankful to be alive, but at the same time think "how will i die?" "when will it be?" "WILL IT BE SOON!? OH NO!" i don't want to die from pain... eventually... i'll just be... gone. it's scary. i don't want to be forgotten, but when i'm gone it doesn't matter. believing in God and being a christian has helped me know that when i do die there will be a place for me, heaven. it's the things i can't control i'm scared of. some people are worried about their career in the future but i know that i have control of where i'm going to be going, and if i want to be a teacher it won't be that hard as long as i have a postive mind set, goals made, and i do the best i can. it's amazing how just having faith in God makes life easier, even if things are hard. they would be worse without God.

i wish twardo was back and he could visit more often.

that's all.
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