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August always seems to be the hottest, stickiest month in Japan. Most days it has been getting into the low 90’s, and sun and humidity that just saps all of the energy out of you. Not my absolute favorite weather. And it doesn’t even really cool down at night, so even in the middle of the night it’ll still be in the eighties.
I definitely can’t sleep without the air conditioning on. I’ve tried dealing with the hot weather and sleeping without it, but I just end up tossing and turning all night and getting no sleep or very ineffective sleep. So, a/c it is! Lately I’ve been setting the a/c to “auto mode -1 degree” whatever temperature that is. It’s sufficiently comfortable for me, though. Most of the time I try to keep it off during the day, though. Today it cooled down some (looks like it’s going to rain tomorrow), so having the front door propped open and the balcony window open leads to a nice cross breeze.
I’m still ready for fall to come. I know once midwinter rolls around, though, I’ll be thinking back to the hot days quite nostalgically. You always want what you don’t have, I guess!