I went a bit overboard on pictures and I'm still not even done. I still have some stuff to move in, like my bed (hence why there are no pictures of my bedroom atm... It's mostly just a storage room right now). It's been raining nonstop, I've been working my ass off, and it's been a challenge finding the time and energy to take care of all the stuff I've moved in already. So there will be more pictures later once I get everything perfect, I'm sure. Some of the pictures are kinda shitty, fuzzy, probably because of the flash, but oh well. You get the gist.
First bunch of pictures:
Click Here! Right, so my living room is mostly done.
Since I haven't moved my bed in yet, I've been sleeping on the sofa. It's hella comfy. It's a Broyhill, which is apparently a big deal, especially since I got it for less than $70. The papasan probably isn't gonna stay, I just took it out while I cleaned my bedroom.
I wanna get a coat tree by the door and I'm gonna definitely put some stuff on the walls. I'm a big fan of posters and photos. They probably wont match, but then again, nothing really matches right now. I'll make stuff match when I can afford to make stuff match, haha. I also have some curtains to put up, but my mom took them so that she could wash them.
I finally got my entertainment system in there, got my TV and consoles hooked up, put away my movies and games. I really like this thing. I got it for only $60. I have more books to put on it and I need to figure out a way to keep the ferret from getting behind it before it becomes their favorite spot to shit. My boys are pretty well behaved and they generally dislike messing on the carpet, but still. It'll happen if they can manage it... Sorry, prolly TMI. I can talk about ferret shit for ages, lol.
And that's basically my living room. I think it looks great. <3 I love it.
And now to the kitchen.
It probably looks much the same as the pictures I put up before. The only thing that's really different is my teeny tiny coffee pot, my microwave, and the fact that I actually have food to eat.
Buying food was a bitch. Who knew grocery shopping could be so difficult? My first mistake was buying stuff at Sam's. I really don't need food in bulk. Not really. Fruit is fucking expensive, btw, in case you didn't know. I also had to buy food according to whether or not I would be able to cook it or have dishes to eat it with. I have tupperware, wine goblets, and plastic forks. Dinner time is interesting at my place.
And the hallway that leads to my bathroom and my messy bedroom. Yes, there are litter boxes everywhere, btw. Ferrets, unlike cats, don't seem to have the attention span to go FIND a litter box when they have to go. Therefore I have four litter boxes, not counting the one in their cage. Look, I'm talking about ferret shit again. Christ.
And more of my bathroom. I have a shower curtain (you can see it all nicely packaged on top of my toilet) but I have no hooks to hang it up. Plus I don't think my shower works anyway. That or I fail at life and don't know how to run it. Whatever, lol.
Basically the same as before except with stuff. Like soap and toilet paper. Yep. Essentials!
Not that you care to see all my stuff. But uhm, yeah. For as much as I claim to be rather low maintenance, I do have a lot of hair stuff and lotion and shit. But this is stuff that I've accumulated since high school, about 4 or 5 years in the running. Hell, you never know when you're gonna need super duper hold hair gel, am I right?
Er, yeah. I just like this picture for some reason:
Okay, bye! More pictures in the future, probably.