Sep 15, 2008 23:09
So today was my labraroscopy or however you spell it and they found endometrioisis on my bladder! THIS EXPLAINS ALL THE PAIN I'VE BEEN IN FOR SO LONG. It was kind of sad to find out that they can't burn/laser it off because the lining of the bladder is so thin, they would burn a hole into it. But, I am going to be fine. I know what this is, my aunt has it, and those two things are going to make it so much easier for me to deal with it. Especially KNOWING what I'm dealing with, that's amazing to finally be able to say! So I'm just going to stick to my Seasonique and only have 4 periods a year (because bleeding is like fuel to the fire with endometrioisis), and my doctor told me if I were to have a baby, it would go away for sure (that's 9 months no period!) lol! So yay! I'm so happy. :D :D :D