LOTR Full Watching party

Dec 29, 2004 12:52

It's looking pretty good to have it here tommorow, though as of now unconfirmed (I'll try to get ahold of everyone when it is). Plans for now would be start at 10AM running until probobly 10 or 11PM. Open door, come and leave as you like (though you'll miss parts of the movies), Dr. Pepper and water are the offered drinks, hot dogs for lunch, pizza for dinner, if you want anything else, bring it. Also, possible gamecube or Star Wars veiwing on monday, we could pick up textbooks as a group in the morning, then hang out here for as long as you guys like. When I have full parental approval, I'll throw up my adress and full directions. I want to have stuff at my place for once, I've been bumming off of you guys for too long, and it's time for that to change, at least somewhat (many of you havn't ever even seen my parental units!). I'm going to get back to cleaning, and I'll post up as soon as I have full confirmation. Please lemme know ASAP if you're interested in either gathering, so I have a rough idea of who all's coming.
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