I'm happy to say that The Darkness concert last night took place. And it was amazing. They really put on a great live show!
What wasn't amazing, was how I felt. I've been to a number of small venue concerts with tons of people crowded in together, sometimes with smoke wafting around. I've never enjoyed being pushed and crowded, but usually I am able to ignore my situation and have fun watching the show. Last night was a little different. About half way through the opening act (a group called the Wild Hearts - decent, but very loud) I began to feel a bit ill. There was no way I was leaving, though, when I was excited to see The Darkness. Of course, the feeling just got worse and worse until I had to leave the area....right before The Darkness played "I Believe in a Thing Called Love". Perfect timing! They were loud enough to hear from the bathroom, luckily.
I stayed out in the lobby and/or the bathroom until the end of the show, when the mass flooded out of the theatre and toward the exit. I was still nauseous and I began shaking uncontrollably.
After some more pushing and shoving we made it out the doors and headed toward the T. With a detour to throw up in the bathroom of the Kenmore Square McDonald's, Scott and I finally made it home around 11:15 (I had sent Jeff, his brother and his mom home since I didn't want to hold them up).
I have no clue what happened to me. Aside from the migraines I used to get, I have never felt that sick before [and I'd like to say that I did not have any alcohol last night]. The whole experience, besides being uncomfortable, was pretty embarrassing. At points while we were walking to the T I had to stop to (almost) sit down. One girl asked Scott if I was okay, and an obnoxious guy yelled at me. Others just stared. I wanted to wear a sign that said "I'm not drunk and I'm not high" just to keep people from making comments. Also, I didn't want Jeff and his family to see me like that. But for what seemed like the longest time (out of pure kindness) they wouldn't leave Scott and me.
All is well now (don't worry, Mom). I'm taking it easy today, drinking lots of tea and skipping my regular trip to the gym. I'm a hundred times better than I was last night.
On a lighter note....it's
Peeps Time! Yes, it's that time of the year when little marshmallow animals invade our lives. Click on the link to see what happens when they go to the library :)