In the past few weeks I've taken to compiling Pop Culture tidbits from various sites and sending random emails to my friends. Usually the links are related to our childhood (Transformers! Strawberry Shortcake! Gremlins!) or have some sort of book/library link. But, every once in awhile I find some award-winners. Today's one of those days so I thought I'd share...
Forget Halloween, I think everyone needs Thanksgiving costumes.
How about this one? And, do you know those Wes Anderson AT&T commercials?
Well, now you can make your own "where I live" place. Mine is Malurnornia (Malden/Woburn/California). Sounds like a disease!
In case you hadn't heard...the
2007 Teens' Top Ten list has been announced. I'm so, so glad that Life As We Knew It made the list! (My high school book club is reading it now.) Congratulations to all the authors on the list!
S and I are off to Maine tonight, then up to Bar Harbor tomorrow morning. We're attending a wedding in Hulls Cove tomorrow. It's a loooong drive, but it promises to be beautiful.
cynthialord, how has the weather been up in Maine?