HAH. I'm so H-A-P-P-Y!!! Camp in 4 days. I'll be seeing you all in 3 weeks after that. That's a long time not home, so I expect one letter from each of you.
Camp Wightman
207 Coal Pit Hill Road
Griswold, CT 06351
Depending on the week, I'll be in different camps.
So here's a "schedule" type deal!
July 31- August 7 ::: Family Camp
August 7- August 14 ::: Junior High Camp
August 14- August 21 ::: Junior Explorers
That'll be there EVERYDAY until hopefully Saturday morning when your pens should start moving on those letters!!! :) hahaha.
♥ E N J O Y_H O M E_E V E R Y O N E ♥
♣ A N D_E N J O Y_T H E_R E S T_O F_S U M M E R ♣