
May 25, 2012 15:44

These are the words I got from sasha_b:


I love to write. I wish I would have more time to write in my native language and I definitely wish I would be able to write better in English. I know that people get the meaning and the feeling behind the pieces of writing but there are still grammar mistakes and just the fact that my usage of words may be different from native speakers - of course. But luckily those who write with me are patient and polite enough to deal with me. I always liked to write stories and I think the reason for this lies in the love and fascination for books and reading. For me it is just the logical consequence: you read, you write. It is like the next step. If you read a story and you see how the words become a part of something realistic in your mind you want to create something as well. It is like building a new world. And in my opinion it is most important to be able to write properly in the one or other way - it is not always writing a novel. It has to do with understanding, thinking, feeling, opening the mind. Would I like to be a professional writer? No, I do not. I think it would kind of stress me to be creative to earn money. My inspiration comes and goes - and keeps away sometimes. I would love to have enough money to write part time though.


Short. Black. Stubborn. What else can I say?
I think hair is one of the most important things nowadays. If you look at the pictures in magazines you will just find people with awesome hair: thick, healthy, never ever grey. If you want to be part of the successful world you must look like this. I had long hair back in my late teenage years and most of the time it is black as this is my natural colour. I loved the time though when I was young enough to toy around with colour effects. Blue was always my favourite but I cannot do this anymore due to my job. And I assume that it would be odd to behave like a boy when you are obviously no boy anymore. As my hair does what it wants at least the cut has to be respectable.


Traveling opens your mind. I think it is important to travel to learn new things and see other cultures. Sometimes I wonder if the warlords or terrorists ever travelled around the world and tried to understand other cultures, races and nations. I assume not. I love to travel (if I have the money) although I certainly to not want to see the whole world. There are parts I am just not interested in, like Asia. Europe is great for me because there are a lot of historical things to visit and I do not have to fly longer than 3-4 hours, because flying is one of the worst things in life. Italy is great because I can be there in 3 hours by car and it is always like coming home. And of course the whole Arabic world. I probably lived there in an earlier live? There is no special reason but I just like these countries and I like their mentality. And I think it is sad that most people think of terrorism when you mention this part of the world. I would love to see the Antarctic one day (and I hope that it still exists when I finally will have that amount of money you need for such a trip) and I think the only reason to sit hours and hours in a plane would be to visit New York City.


I always wanted a dog. When I was a boy I got a stuffed animal, a Basset, and I called him Fred. He is still alive and bigger than Amadeus is. I think it is a huge responsibility to have a dog because you have to be there. He needs you every day, you have to feed him, go walking, playing, all this stuff. Not to mention the costs for the vet. But if you do all this you will get so much back, that is incredible! Best friend. And in fact you meet so many people and make so many new contacts if you have a dog. Due to Amadeus I had a date a few months ago (no, it was successful in the end but it was fun).


After family friends are the most important thing in life. A few years ago I had piles of what I called friends but I had to learn that the number is not important but how deep your friendship is. Nowadays I have just a few people around who I would call friends but I know that whatever will happen they will listen, be there and help me. A friendship is not just making party and drinking and such stuff. You have to learn that during the years. Probably this is the reason why I do not like facebook were people just add you to have a high number of friends. So personally I make difference between friends and close acquaintances. I know that countries and cultures have different meanings behind the usage of the words but here my country it is not easy to make a friend. A friendship is something really close, it is like family.


I loved school. That was a great time although I have never been an excellent student. It was like little investment, much success. If there was something better to do than going to school: well, we did it. Once the whole class left and went home although we had school. We told the teachers the next day that the plan pinned to the blackboard said that there would not be any classes. The most incredible thing of the story: they believed us. Yes, I would return to school immediatly.


Generally speaking: I like work. I doubt that things like 'dream jobs' really exist. A lot of people think acting is a dream job. Some of dear friends are actors and they like what they do, but they also have their moments when they just do not want to do anything. So what is the perfect job anyway? I think it is important that you like what you do the most time. That you leave the house in the morning with a smile or that you do not have to worry Sunday evening that it will be Monday tomorrow with another working week ahead. I do not need daily adventures in my work. Personally I think some routine is a good think because it makes work less tiring and stressful - as long as it is not JUST routine. This would be boring.

I assume everybody did this already but in case you are interested to get words: I love libraries.

C.D. Ward.


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