
Jun 30, 2014 17:46

I am back from Italy and almost organised again.

We stayed more than two weeks there in the end because the weather was just too fantastic to return back home. 40+C most of the time which is just perfect for me but I have to admit that it was far too hot for Amadeus. He spent most of the time in the hotel room. It was getting cooler in the second part so we could take him with us to the beach during the day. The hotel allowed dogs at their private beach which was really a great thing. Being a *** Hotel the rooms, service and food was really excellent - I did not expect that, to be honest. I have some pictures but not on my computer yet.

These holidays felt like I was away for several month which is a good thing. My body and more my mind could really relax there and I feel the very first time for months, or years?, that my creativity seems not to be dead. Yay.

Although I returned to roleplays a few months ago (which went alright), I now feel the urge to do this and that in additional RPGs and WRITE again. I still hesitate to begin a whole story that might be longer than a chapter as I so not want to get stuck in the middle (which happened quite often in the past). But I decided to give it a try and started that legend based King Arthur story I made character icons a while back if anyone remembers. The prologue is done at least and I am not unhappy with the outcome but I realised that I focus much more on the centerpiece of the story in English than I would do in my native language: no description of surroundings or rooms or what might happen a few steps away. I assume I should try to change that. Mmpf.

I got a new notebook in the office which means I can take the old one with me home - which is not perfect but it gives me more time to check out what I want to buy in the end.

Other news? Im am reading the first book of that Outlander serie written by D. Gabaldon. Do I like it? Not sure - it is not bad but, good gracious, a lot of romantic stuff in it and the writing is obviously the hand of a woman. So far I feel like when I read the "Mists of Avalon" by M. Zimmer-Bradley: a good basic idea which could be done much better. That woman in this book drives me mad.

Antoher 6 weeks and we will leave to visit Cornwall and we have a huge list what we want to see already. What is on our way from London down to the South-West but what we will certainly not visit is Stonehenge.


writing, life

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