Happy birthday
miriad! I hope you're having a great day!
Of the good:
1. I managed to reach 10,000 words on my April Fools novel, hence meeting my goal! YAY!
2. Iron Man was FABULOUS!
3. I'm going to the movies again (I know, I really shouldn't go as often as I do...but it's like my one fun thing, you know?)
4. I'm off to Mom's again this weekend.
Of the bad:
1. My ISP sucks major ass.
I called Telia (ISP) support again today, but it didn't help. The girl I talked to was nice, though. Turns out that not only is her office in a town only 45 minutes away, but she's from Norrfjärden and her parents live like 4 houses away from me! *g*
I really need to get my butt back in gear on the house thing...because it's getting increasingly frustrating to live here.
Anyway, I'd better post this before my connection goes down again...if you need/want to reach me tonight, cell phone or landline are much better options than e-mail and IM.
I hope you're having a great Friday/Saturday! :)