Dear MTYG Santa...

Dec 07, 2007 20:20

...first of all I'm sorry this post is so late. If you're finished or am already working on a plot, feel free to ignore all this.

I want to say at the outset that I LOVE LOVE LOVE disabilityfic with a passion (it's not for naught that I'm the owner of, and would find it fab if one of the boys was physically disabled for life (not necessarily AU, but that works too). Preferrably quadriplegia or brain damage. But old-fashioned h/c works too. *nodnod*

I'm no fan of mpreg, smut or pwp, but sex scenes can be very nice of course. :-D Uhm, I think that's it. If you have any questions, feel free to ask (IP logging is off).

fic, disabilityfic, mtyg

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