Nov 07, 2007 11:11
I had planned to go and get some tests done for my OBGYN appt later this month, but apparently I wasn't supposed to do that today. First I overslept (woke up at 9) and had to ask for an exception to the "tests between 8-9" rule...and then when I went out to start the car, it was frozen solid.... *shakes head* Oh, well, hopefully they won't be too mad if I fail to show up. I'm a bit mad with myself, since I've gone without food and drink for almost 12 hours.... *grr*
Oh, well, this gives me more time to work on the novel, at least (11,285 words so far). Then tonight I have drama class. I still haven't decided whether or not to go to painting, but I have a couple of hours to decide that, and the heater's plugged into the car.
*needs angry icon*
health stuff