There are still 11 lines left to be identified in the
lyrics meme...come on, you know you wanna play! :-)
Drama class last night was great; we started rehersing our new play and it's actally quite nice to be lying down for the majority of the play. ;-) We also got the DVD from our last play! While the quality leaves some to be desired, it's really cool to have it, and I'll try to rip some clips from it.
On my way home I decided to do some grocery shopping, but since it was already 9.30 pm they had alreday thrown out most of the bread. *aaaargh* Damn ICA and their fresh bread policy! While there I got a text message from Riggan (ie my drama instructor, whom I came out to last night) that really made my evening, and I figured it could make your day, too:
"You're a strong and brave person. Do your thing no matter what everybody says, because we feel the best being who we are." ♥
This morning I called the OBGYN to reschedule my appointment. Time has just run away from me and I haven't done the tests I was supposed to.... Ooops? I got an appointment on November 12, and I'll try to get those tests done next week already. *nods* One good thing, though, is that that makes it possible for me to go to Friday group tomorrow and listen to one of our mayors. :-)
Today I should study...the fourth Linguistics lecture is up, but *meh*...why does it have to be so boring?! But mormor saved the day with her visit - YAY MORMOR! :-D
ETA: Mormor's reaction to seeing the pic: "OMG ppls on tha intarwebs see my butt!" Well, that's what I heard, anyway. *g*