I'm back...again. *g* And GIP.

Oct 01, 2007 15:38

Well, happy Bahá'í birthday to me! I can't believe it's been THIRTEEN years since I signed that declaration card! Or that I've really been a Bahá'í for over FIFTEEN years. That's almost half of my life! Amazing.

NB: New default icon. What 'cha think?

Is anyone else here on Yuwie? It's soooo addicting. More so than Facebook! But there aren't any annoying applications, and you may make a buck every now and then, too. Nothing wrong with that...or meeting new people.

Speaking of new people, I'd like to welcome cassanlynx to my flist! She was kind enough to make me some grabs of Gibbs using ASL, so have some signing Gibbs, y'all:

I'm using those grabs for my NaNovel (NB - this is picture heavy...feel free to tell me what he might be signing) this year...I can hardly wait to start writing, even though I wonder how it'll go with school and everything. I really need to study...but I'm having problems taking in the Linguistics lectures - I'd rather have moving pictures of my teacher than text-only PowerPoint slides with an added sound file in .mov format...but that's just me.

As for joe1970, he's deleted his journal and I've all but deleted him out of my life. While I wish things had turned out differently, I guess I have to move on, huh? And I am.

earth2skye, I know you didn't tag anyone, but I'm doing this anyway:

Seven (not so quirky) quirks of mine:

1) 99% of the time I talk to myself in English, write my grocery list or reminders in English...and I swear a lot in English, too. Not to mention the writing thing - my Swedish writing skills haven't changed at all since middle school... ;-)

2) I smile and tell people I'm fine even when I'm not.

3) I'm somewhat superstitious.

4) If I go somewhere I've never really been before, I don't remember how I got there and how to get back.

5) I have no problem doing housework or getting things done, but I have big problems getting started (perhaps I should change my name to "procrastinator queen"? *g*).

6) If a movie or TV show doesn't have any disabilities or owies, I usually think it sucks.

7) Even though I started with English 25 years ago, I still have problems understanding (mostly written) English which isn't for the most part correctly spelled with good grammar.

I tag whomever wants to do it...I guess I have no more excuses now...I'd better go and hit that Linguistics book again!

writing, school, meme, nanowrimo, yuwie, friends

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