"I hate Conservatives but I F**king Hate Liberals"

Oct 05, 2010 18:56

Funny words from funny man Matt Stone (along with Trey Parker) creators of South Park.

The first time I heard that line, I immediately knew exactly what they were talking about. The Election of 2008 brought out the absolute worst in liberals. I've never seen people attack their fellow Americans so viciously over mere ideology. The attacks on Cindy McCain and Sarah Palin were over the top in cruelty. And for what? Because you think your view is correct and everyone else's isn't, it's okay for you to insult people on their looks and age?

I'm willing to bet Cindy McCain has done more good on humanitarian missions in third world countries than 99% of the Macbook hipsters sitting in Starbucks sipping a Mocca Latte writing a folk song about saving the world.

Call it trolling if you want, but just to reinforce my observations, I would sometimes take a contrarian tone in the company of liberals, just to see how they would respond. There's no middle ground. It's always a full-out, pit-bull to the balls response.

Sure, Conservatives have their own irritating ways about them too. But it's never to the level of hostile, caustic condescension that liberals can speak with.

Just the other night, I got an email to some comment I made online (the topic was the evolutionary role of the wife in a domestic setting). The tone was one of classic liberal "righteous indignation." It began calmly enough "YOUR GARBAGE SICKENS ME!" and along the way, some choice peppering of "IT DISGUSTS ME THAT THIS IS HOW YOU THINK WE SHOULD LIVE" (meaning, I suppose, whatever is not their idea of how we should all live).

Last time I checked, the only type of people who spoke like this were Muslim fundies and the Taliban. It's just a little disturbing why so many liberals feel they can dispense with any propriety just because they are "right." Yeah, they're angry. But hey, I'm angry too. At anytime I could call any group out, and start spewing venomous realities about their social standing that they won't be able to find a comeback to. But I don't. I just say to myself "it's a free country, and maybe they know something I don't. Each person is a culmination of his or her experience, which I gather is probably not identical to mine. " And off I go on my happy way.

But just to be sure, I googled "why are liberals so arrogant," and came up with this doozy: Why Are Liberals so Arrogant. It made me laugh out loud, because as a questioning liberal all my life, I can say these observations are spot on.

Here is another example: The other night, I mentioned online that Tyler Clementi's situation is a perfect illustration that it's not always the stereotypical hateful white male who is bigoted. Minorities often discriminate against other minority groups as a stepping stone to align themselves closer to the mainstream (Clementi's pranksters, who drove him to suicide was an Asian girl and an Indian boy, both Rutgers University students).

The liberal retort: "It's obvious that you will never understand, being that you are neither a minority nor a gay person."
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