Oh man

May 31, 2005 15:00

I just read some of the first LJ entries...dude....that's some scary ish. Not much has really changed since then. I mean yeah a lot has changed. But at that time I didn't have a car, don't have one now because of my stupid actions, have a job but won't go in for training till the 13th, and wednesday or thursday of this week I'm leaving town. I think thursday. Gotta double check on that.

I don't want to read my LJ from the beginning, it was a wasteful time and I don't want it to become that again...but it's only the beginning of summer so I can't just broadcast the apocolyptic entries like this. Hahaha its only BEGUN!

Found some entries that are stupid. Like one just said Blah. Gotta remember to write everything, and eithier post it for public consumation or on private. That's been the biggest hurdle, knowing what not to post for the masses. There's so much I want to say but I get tired of you that complain about it...Seriously, it's not cool, it's my space, and you have no right to make judgements about me or leave negative criticism. Maybe it's just being sensitive, but whatever....

The room is spotless today, that just freaks me out.

mmm more later maybe...
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